Not one of the people on my personal mailing list that I sent the mygayestlook link to sent in their gayest look...not one.
I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in each and every one of them.
I take it very personally.
The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
look link
Yesterday when i posted my gayest look i negelected to post a link to the site that inspired the whole thing.
So here:
She'll keep posting them as long as you send them. So get on it and tell Jay Leno he's a tool.
So here:
She'll keep posting them as long as you send them. So get on it and tell Jay Leno he's a tool.
Mind your P's and Q's
No one seems to know where this phrase originated. The OED used to have a reference to it that dated back to 1779 but it seems to have been removed from their latest versions so I imagine they can't support the reference and deleted it.
This takes me into an area in which I have absolutely no expertise and must rely only on my own opinion. Not that this has stopped me from speaking up in the past mind you. I just caution you that I may misspeak from time to time today, since I mostly don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.
Now why do you suppose Thomas Beatie decided to go public with his transgender pregnancy? What is the purpose of that? Surely he and his wife knew that there would be a public outcry over the whole thing.
My personal opinion? Go for it. If you kept your reproductive organs during a sex reassignment surgery then you meant to do this all along, you just chose not to tell anyone about it until it was obvious. So why do it? Why tell the whole world what you're doing?
Will it further the cause of transgender people? Will it cause a backlash that not only involves transgender, but GLB folks as well? Will it make the national debate over GLBT rights more or less important in this particular election cycle? Is it being done for personal reasons or political ones?
I think it's the lumping all of us together that I have a problem with. I'm homosexual (to use the clinical term) I have no desire nor interest in reproduction. The things I have seen and suffered give me extremely good reason to think that we should all stop reproducing and let the species go the way of the dinosaur, cause this life ain't pretty most of the time, and frequently it's the meddling of others that makes me certain it's not worth living the way it is. But I get the desire to reproduce (I had it for a summer in the 80's) and I think those that want to should be able to.
Mostly I think that it's none of my damn business. I'm not a participant. Never will be. Don't want to be. Why should I be weighing in on the reproductive rights of others? In fact why is a biological function even referred to as a right. It's a fact! We as a species reproduce. If we possess the technological know-how to make that happen in less than conventional ways then why shouldn't we do it? We debate all the time in medicine if we should keep people alive just because we can, so why shouldn't we allow people to give birth if we can?
This brings to mind an article I saw yesterday on in which someone asked Chelsea about her Father's affair and Chelsea laid the idiot out telling them it was none of their business. Love her! All this country knows is how to mind other people's business and we wallow in our ability to do so.
Thomas Beatie is apparently not gay. He falls under the banner of GLBTQ so I recognize his right to ask for my support. His reproductive decisions are none of my damn business and I intend to keep it that way. I wish the rest of you would too.
So mind your Pregnancies and your Queers, just remember they're not the same thing please.
This takes me into an area in which I have absolutely no expertise and must rely only on my own opinion. Not that this has stopped me from speaking up in the past mind you. I just caution you that I may misspeak from time to time today, since I mostly don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.
Now why do you suppose Thomas Beatie decided to go public with his transgender pregnancy? What is the purpose of that? Surely he and his wife knew that there would be a public outcry over the whole thing.
My personal opinion? Go for it. If you kept your reproductive organs during a sex reassignment surgery then you meant to do this all along, you just chose not to tell anyone about it until it was obvious. So why do it? Why tell the whole world what you're doing?
Will it further the cause of transgender people? Will it cause a backlash that not only involves transgender, but GLB folks as well? Will it make the national debate over GLBT rights more or less important in this particular election cycle? Is it being done for personal reasons or political ones?
I think it's the lumping all of us together that I have a problem with. I'm homosexual (to use the clinical term) I have no desire nor interest in reproduction. The things I have seen and suffered give me extremely good reason to think that we should all stop reproducing and let the species go the way of the dinosaur, cause this life ain't pretty most of the time, and frequently it's the meddling of others that makes me certain it's not worth living the way it is. But I get the desire to reproduce (I had it for a summer in the 80's) and I think those that want to should be able to.
Mostly I think that it's none of my damn business. I'm not a participant. Never will be. Don't want to be. Why should I be weighing in on the reproductive rights of others? In fact why is a biological function even referred to as a right. It's a fact! We as a species reproduce. If we possess the technological know-how to make that happen in less than conventional ways then why shouldn't we do it? We debate all the time in medicine if we should keep people alive just because we can, so why shouldn't we allow people to give birth if we can?
This brings to mind an article I saw yesterday on in which someone asked Chelsea about her Father's affair and Chelsea laid the idiot out telling them it was none of their business. Love her! All this country knows is how to mind other people's business and we wallow in our ability to do so.
Thomas Beatie is apparently not gay. He falls under the banner of GLBTQ so I recognize his right to ask for my support. His reproductive decisions are none of my damn business and I intend to keep it that way. I wish the rest of you would too.
So mind your Pregnancies and your Queers, just remember they're not the same thing please.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Jay Leno can kiss my pink ass!
Now I'm up!
So what's the deal with all the memorials suddenly for Larry King? Six weeks after he was murdered there's suddenly a spate of candlelight West Hollywood! Oh and let's not forget the one in Palm Springs that happens to coincide with the White Party.
FALLEN ANGEL: A Candle-Light Tribute to Lawrence King
Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
5pm to 9pm
Location: West Hollywood Park, 647 N San Vicente Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069
*Located behind the ABBEY
Co-Sponsored By: Kynt and Vyxsin from CBS Amazing Race, USC LGBT Resource Center, Vincent E. Vigil.
Questions: 502 553 7796
Lawrence King Vigil
Palm Springs, California
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
4:00 pm
Location: The Quad at Palm Springs High School
Co-Sponsored By: Metropolitan Community Church, Gay Associated Youth, The Gay & Straight Alliance at Palm Springs High School, Safe Schools, PFLAG
Questions: 760-328-3591
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
and the castro street fair.
This is not where these vigils need to be held people. This message needs to be taken to the backyards and front porches of these communities that teach hate.
As it stands these vigils are nothing but cute little afterthoughts at parties the queens were having anyway. It makes no sense to have the vigil in our own backyard. That's the equivalent of rioting and burning down your own neighborhood. Who cares? Burn down their neighborhood and you'll see some action, but quick.
Take the fight to them! Make them answer for this atmosphere of hate. Confrontation is the only effective weapon we have.
Who are we confronting at the Castro Street Fair?
FALLEN ANGEL: A Candle-Light Tribute to Lawrence King
Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
5pm to 9pm
Location: West Hollywood Park, 647 N San Vicente Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069
*Located behind the ABBEY
Co-Sponsored By: Kynt and Vyxsin from CBS Amazing Race, USC LGBT Resource Center, Vincent E. Vigil.
Questions: 502 553 7796
Lawrence King Vigil
Palm Springs, California
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
4:00 pm
Location: The Quad at Palm Springs High School
Co-Sponsored By: Metropolitan Community Church, Gay Associated Youth, The Gay & Straight Alliance at Palm Springs High School, Safe Schools, PFLAG
Questions: 760-328-3591
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
and the castro street fair.
This is not where these vigils need to be held people. This message needs to be taken to the backyards and front porches of these communities that teach hate.
As it stands these vigils are nothing but cute little afterthoughts at parties the queens were having anyway. It makes no sense to have the vigil in our own backyard. That's the equivalent of rioting and burning down your own neighborhood. Who cares? Burn down their neighborhood and you'll see some action, but quick.
Take the fight to them! Make them answer for this atmosphere of hate. Confrontation is the only effective weapon we have.
Who are we confronting at the Castro Street Fair?
it's gray and so am I
My brain is in a fog, the sky has been gray for two days and I feel it.
I can't think! Sitting and staring is my preferred occupation today. Unfortunately, those bastards that pay me have other ideas. Well, they'll learn a good lesson today won't they? Whatever I do will likely be useless so it'll have to be done again.
I applied for a job in Portales NM yesterday. I'm starting to think that applying is why I went to grad school. That that's what I needed to learn to do. Well I got that part down pretty good. Now if I could just get past that particular chapter I'd be thrilled.
I asked a question of their Human Resources person two days ago and this morning figured out why she hasn't answered. THEY'RE ON SPRING BREAK! You think they could have mentioned they're closing this position during a time when they're all gonna be gone? Academia...and we wonder why people are so simple-minded.
Portales is truly on the high plains, it'd be windy and isolated. One outta two ain't bad. I looked at real's cheap enough. I could get a house before the department of education got their hooks in me for student loans for the rest of my life.
And what is this "Here, have a credit card," thing that's happening suddenly in my life? If there's a credit crunch it's not in my house. I'm not just getting offers to apply, I got two credit cards in the mail unsolicited in the last two months! It's weird. I keep calling and telling, NOOO! I do not want more credit cards!" I do not need temptation in my wallet. They're evil I tell you!
Amazon called yesterday, "Do you remember applying for this credit card? Um, no! I remember buying something that incidentally I haven't received yet. But applying for another card...nada. Well, you did and we've approved it and if you'll answer these questions we're going to send it to you."
I know I was talking when I said no I heard me. There's an Amazon Visa in my near future I can feel it.
And I wonder why the grayness has got me. Fuck it! I'm going to get my bike out of the car and go for a ride. Maybe that'll blow out the cobwebs.
I can't think! Sitting and staring is my preferred occupation today. Unfortunately, those bastards that pay me have other ideas. Well, they'll learn a good lesson today won't they? Whatever I do will likely be useless so it'll have to be done again.
I applied for a job in Portales NM yesterday. I'm starting to think that applying is why I went to grad school. That that's what I needed to learn to do. Well I got that part down pretty good. Now if I could just get past that particular chapter I'd be thrilled.
I asked a question of their Human Resources person two days ago and this morning figured out why she hasn't answered. THEY'RE ON SPRING BREAK! You think they could have mentioned they're closing this position during a time when they're all gonna be gone? Academia...and we wonder why people are so simple-minded.
Portales is truly on the high plains, it'd be windy and isolated. One outta two ain't bad. I looked at real's cheap enough. I could get a house before the department of education got their hooks in me for student loans for the rest of my life.
And what is this "Here, have a credit card," thing that's happening suddenly in my life? If there's a credit crunch it's not in my house. I'm not just getting offers to apply, I got two credit cards in the mail unsolicited in the last two months! It's weird. I keep calling and telling, NOOO! I do not want more credit cards!" I do not need temptation in my wallet. They're evil I tell you!
Amazon called yesterday, "Do you remember applying for this credit card? Um, no! I remember buying something that incidentally I haven't received yet. But applying for another card...nada. Well, you did and we've approved it and if you'll answer these questions we're going to send it to you."
I know I was talking when I said no I heard me. There's an Amazon Visa in my near future I can feel it.
And I wonder why the grayness has got me. Fuck it! I'm going to get my bike out of the car and go for a ride. Maybe that'll blow out the cobwebs.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
late celebration of the equinox
Sorry I was planning a nice post in the equinox, but all I could find were these weird wicca videos on youtube. So Happy Spring everyone! and may someone make a vernal equinox video that doesn't scare me so I can post a link here.
There are rumors about JC Chasez and one of those boys who is too pretty to be a boy who appears on TV,of late. All the rags talk about how Chasez is seen in his little man bikini...ok, so where are these pictures of this guy in his little swimsuit? I ask you where is the justice in this world?
OH! Also, you should go to and read this article. It's quite interesting to really hear someone talk objectively about Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama, instead of trying to feed me the party line.
I'm finally starting to see people ask the question "What, exactly is he going to change with all this change he proposes?" I'm still waiting for answers, no one seems to know exactly.
Have a happy Tuesday.
There are rumors about JC Chasez and one of those boys who is too pretty to be a boy who appears on TV,of late. All the rags talk about how Chasez is seen in his little man bikini...ok, so where are these pictures of this guy in his little swimsuit? I ask you where is the justice in this world?
OH! Also, you should go to and read this article. It's quite interesting to really hear someone talk objectively about Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama, instead of trying to feed me the party line.
I'm finally starting to see people ask the question "What, exactly is he going to change with all this change he proposes?" I'm still waiting for answers, no one seems to know exactly.
Have a happy Tuesday.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Didn't I say something about having fun this year?
If memory serves, that was my only new years resolution. And boy did I make it come true this weekend.
I had a great time. I went to a cocktail party Friday night, then to dinner and a concert with friends. Saturday I rode both a horse and a bike,(froze my ass off in both cases cause I now live in the arctic circle) saw several really good movies, went to my favorite blues club, and started a really interesting book. I also graded my students mid-term exams...surprise no one failed! Woo-Hoo! maybe they really are listening! And then I had a friend over for dinner on Easter, and that was a lot of fun too.
3:10 to Yuma is an incredibly good movie. I've never really been a fan of Russell Crowe, No particular reason, I don't hate his work, he's just never made me go "OH! I've gotta see that, he's really great!" no never has. Russell Crowe...ok. Christian Bale just keeps getting better and more nuanced, he was fun to watch, and Peter Fonda had to have been pretty good (Spoiler)**since I was glad when he got thrown off the cliff.** Of course, they were on horses in the southwest, so they had me at Hello.
I now am looking for the soundtrack to "Once." What a great little movie! I didn't hold out much hope for a movie that's billed as a movie with music, since musicals and I are not friends. But I was wrong, this thing was great, and Glen Hansard can sing beautifully so it made it even better.
After many trials and tribulations with Directv, (Man can they be obtuse.) I finally convinced them that it was stupid to penalize me for refusing to purchase a phone line only to rent pay per views and allow me to order online and get that damn nag screen off my tv telling me to check the non-existent phone line so I could watch Michael Clayton again. That movie gets off to a slow start but delivers in the end. Tilda Swninton really is good in that movie. And Tom Wilkinson is...well. her an-thesis. Isn't that a good one? Let me say that again it's so much fucking I got it from this illiterate in Chicago whose blog I read for laughs from time to time. Just about the time I think he's probably a pretty cool guy he goes and says something like An-thesis. No wonder he's never been able to use that film degree. Anyway, Tom Wilkinson is as brilliant as always, and Clooney, though he was pretty good in this, didn't really deserve the Oscar nomination.
Went to the theater Saturday night and saw Juno which is still running. It's a cute little thing, and I see why everyone was so crazy about the stripper who wrote it. Let's see her follow-up.
So Monday is off to a great start. I am now sleeping through the night regularly so I'm less paranoid than when I have no REM. Speaking of which,(sort of) WTF was that thing on Youtube with Stipe announcing his band mates are straight. I get it, but....he was so amused with himself I couldn't hardly watch it. What is it about Stipe that makes me think he not only looks like a bug but that I need to have sex with that particular bug? I've never understood my own attraction to that man.
I'm so disenchanted with (no not linking to them) that I am now beginning to think we're so starved for decent info that we'll read anything to get by. They do, once in a while, cover a funny thing, like Dick Cheney's "SO!" the other day. An apt demonstration of this administration's total disregard for us. They have 302 more days to screw us and I'm sure they have some really good plans to do so.
They'll never understand when no one goes to visit Bush's Library. And to that I say..."so!"
I had a great time. I went to a cocktail party Friday night, then to dinner and a concert with friends. Saturday I rode both a horse and a bike,(froze my ass off in both cases cause I now live in the arctic circle) saw several really good movies, went to my favorite blues club, and started a really interesting book. I also graded my students mid-term exams...surprise no one failed! Woo-Hoo! maybe they really are listening! And then I had a friend over for dinner on Easter, and that was a lot of fun too.
3:10 to Yuma is an incredibly good movie. I've never really been a fan of Russell Crowe, No particular reason, I don't hate his work, he's just never made me go "OH! I've gotta see that, he's really great!" no never has. Russell Crowe...ok. Christian Bale just keeps getting better and more nuanced, he was fun to watch, and Peter Fonda had to have been pretty good (Spoiler)**since I was glad when he got thrown off the cliff.** Of course, they were on horses in the southwest, so they had me at Hello.
I now am looking for the soundtrack to "Once." What a great little movie! I didn't hold out much hope for a movie that's billed as a movie with music, since musicals and I are not friends. But I was wrong, this thing was great, and Glen Hansard can sing beautifully so it made it even better.
After many trials and tribulations with Directv, (Man can they be obtuse.) I finally convinced them that it was stupid to penalize me for refusing to purchase a phone line only to rent pay per views and allow me to order online and get that damn nag screen off my tv telling me to check the non-existent phone line so I could watch Michael Clayton again. That movie gets off to a slow start but delivers in the end. Tilda Swninton really is good in that movie. And Tom Wilkinson is...well. her an-thesis. Isn't that a good one? Let me say that again it's so much fucking I got it from this illiterate in Chicago whose blog I read for laughs from time to time. Just about the time I think he's probably a pretty cool guy he goes and says something like An-thesis. No wonder he's never been able to use that film degree. Anyway, Tom Wilkinson is as brilliant as always, and Clooney, though he was pretty good in this, didn't really deserve the Oscar nomination.
Went to the theater Saturday night and saw Juno which is still running. It's a cute little thing, and I see why everyone was so crazy about the stripper who wrote it. Let's see her follow-up.
So Monday is off to a great start. I am now sleeping through the night regularly so I'm less paranoid than when I have no REM. Speaking of which,(sort of) WTF was that thing on Youtube with Stipe announcing his band mates are straight. I get it, but....he was so amused with himself I couldn't hardly watch it. What is it about Stipe that makes me think he not only looks like a bug but that I need to have sex with that particular bug? I've never understood my own attraction to that man.
I'm so disenchanted with (no not linking to them) that I am now beginning to think we're so starved for decent info that we'll read anything to get by. They do, once in a while, cover a funny thing, like Dick Cheney's "SO!" the other day. An apt demonstration of this administration's total disregard for us. They have 302 more days to screw us and I'm sure they have some really good plans to do so.
They'll never understand when no one goes to visit Bush's Library. And to that I say..."so!"
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It's that time of the week again!!!

Hey there...both of you.
It's hot guy Friday and I am sticking with my speedo and pornstache theme. Well, the speedo theme at any rate, I could not find one pornstache. Sad, I love them.
But today I absolutely had to return to the office and set up a few things to run over the weekend so I can waste as little time as possible when I return. I mean why shouldn't I spend an hour or two today getting things moving for Monday so i can blog and peruse the net when I get back instead of actually working. See! Now we give up vacation time so we can do less at work. I love the info age!
At any rate I thought I'd take this time to say happy Friday enjoy the guys. And those of you headed out to lock-in raves this weekend have a good time. You'll love it, you'll hate it, and when you get over it you'll be glad you went. I went to one and though I was by far the oldest person in the place I had a great time. Believe me I do not like people, and saying I had a good time at a party I could not leave until morning is a huge thing.
It's spring! I forgot to mention that yesterday! Is it possible that the long sleep is over? Might I actually venture out and see the world again? I took a scraper and a case of carpet shampoo to my car yesterday so there may be hope for me yet. Though the bad news is that my housekeeper is quitting and I have to find a new one. Ick! I hope I don't actually have to clean my own apt until then. I'm hunting for new apartments in the event that I am stuck here another year. If I could teach more hours I'd be much happier, but I'll stay until I find another job. I have to stay here until may 15 or until I post grades. After that I have to make some solid plans for the next year. My lease ends June 30 so I gotta know where I'm going before the end of the summer.
Well enjoy the speedo's and if you're anywhere close to my age you'll love the Chris Atkins pic. He's still adorable even at....well over 40 at least.
Oh! BTW I have to say that I've long adored Thomas Haden Church(of Wings), Joshua Jackson(of Dawson's Creek), and Matthew Davis (of What about Brian) and it pains me to give up adoring of all three at the same time, but last weekend I had little to do in the outback and I watched tv on Sunday evening.
Unless I hear from each of them personally with profuse apologies at the way gay men were portrayed in that Piece of Shit "Lone Star State of Mind," on ABC. They are all on my hate list forever. Man was that stupid, juvenile and insulting. And there is no way any of them needed the money that badly. No way.
This is why I seldom watch network television. Now I remember why people are so stupid. They watch that crap.
Stop it!
A list and a thought:
I'm reading:
The many lives of Tom Waits-biography
Obsession, (a Jonathan Kellerman detective thing)
The Mediterranean Prescription (to change my eating habits so I can stop buying new pants)
Ultrametabolism cookbook (ibid)
Naked Lunch
Queer (I'm going back through the William Burroughs phase, no idea why)
Retire on less than you think
Predictably Irrational
and this weekend the dvd's I'm watching are Michael Clayton, 3:10 to Yuma, Once, and Factotum.
I'm also reading The Collected Plays of Christopher Shinn. He appears to be mildly disturbed...I think I love him.
I ran across this thought today on the internet and I thought it so appropriate to my recent past that I needed to share:
Some people are like a Slinky ...
Not really good for anything, but you still can't help
but smile when you shove them down the stairs.
Hey! You! Moron!
"Big Wall Street investment companies are taking advantage of the Federal Reserve's unprecedented offer to secure emergency loans, the central bank reported Thursday." AP
You do realize this means that George W Bush and co has just sacked the treasury and we said "Oh Thank God they're making the markets safe again." We're idiots.
Yes I'm back rested and relaxed...well at least until I read the news.
Also, don't hate on Jeremiah Wright. He just told truth. And it's about damn time someone did. I noticed a piece saying that the popular vote would likely go to HIllary if the election were held today. And we all know how much the popular vote means...if you don't ask Al Gore.
Well hang in there tomorrow is hot guy Friday. Maybe I'll come up with a cutie. What's this month's theme? Oh yeah, pornstaches and speedos. Now for that I'd sack the treasury...oh wait I did already, that's why I can't retire at 50. Oh well it was worth every penny.
You do realize this means that George W Bush and co has just sacked the treasury and we said "Oh Thank God they're making the markets safe again." We're idiots.
Yes I'm back rested and relaxed...well at least until I read the news.
Also, don't hate on Jeremiah Wright. He just told truth. And it's about damn time someone did. I noticed a piece saying that the popular vote would likely go to HIllary if the election were held today. And we all know how much the popular vote means...if you don't ask Al Gore.
Well hang in there tomorrow is hot guy Friday. Maybe I'll come up with a cutie. What's this month's theme? Oh yeah, pornstaches and speedos. Now for that I'd sack the treasury...oh wait I did already, that's why I can't retire at 50. Oh well it was worth every penny.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I'm not new
Even with all that's happened to me in the past I am sill amazed by people who are completely deluded. However, in the interest of I don't really give a shit what lies you tell yourself as long as I understasnd the truth, I offer this bit of information:
It is now reported that Sally Kern, late of the Southern Baptist Convention and Oklahoma politics, hater of fags everywhere,does not have a gay son.
He's apparently a celibate music teacher who lives in Des Moines and recently graduated from the School of Metaphysics. He states that he does not agree with his mother but he's proud of her for standing up for her own views (no matter how hateful they may be I guess)
So there it is. More delusional behavior from the Midwest. I swear if I could secure a job in a blue state I'd move tomorrow, contractual obligations notwithstanding.
last night was very fun. Saw my old friend C for dinner. Caught her up on the whole, "I'm not really who I always thought I was" story. Then on the way home I stopped off for a drink at my favorite blues club and played a few games of pool with Jeremy, this youngster who apparently likes the attention he gets when I'm around. Then off to beddy-bye.
After I downloaded a wicked snoring .wav and put in on loop the last couple of days when I leave the apt and my upstairs neighbor is trying to sleep he seems to have gotten the message that it may never stop if he doesn't let me sleep through the night. Cause last night was bliss. It was totally worth the expense.
Today it's car stuff and hopefully lunch with Bro. Tonight is date night of course.
It is now reported that Sally Kern, late of the Southern Baptist Convention and Oklahoma politics, hater of fags everywhere,does not have a gay son.
He's apparently a celibate music teacher who lives in Des Moines and recently graduated from the School of Metaphysics. He states that he does not agree with his mother but he's proud of her for standing up for her own views (no matter how hateful they may be I guess)
So there it is. More delusional behavior from the Midwest. I swear if I could secure a job in a blue state I'd move tomorrow, contractual obligations notwithstanding.
last night was very fun. Saw my old friend C for dinner. Caught her up on the whole, "I'm not really who I always thought I was" story. Then on the way home I stopped off for a drink at my favorite blues club and played a few games of pool with Jeremy, this youngster who apparently likes the attention he gets when I'm around. Then off to beddy-bye.
After I downloaded a wicked snoring .wav and put in on loop the last couple of days when I leave the apt and my upstairs neighbor is trying to sleep he seems to have gotten the message that it may never stop if he doesn't let me sleep through the night. Cause last night was bliss. It was totally worth the expense.
Today it's car stuff and hopefully lunch with Bro. Tonight is date night of course.
Friday, March 14, 2008
it's hot guy Friday
Today I will attempt to make up for a slip I made last week. Apparently I almost sounded like I wasn't lecherous, and I was reminded how untrue that is. I am now devoted to doing better, or worse, however you want to see it.
So here's an attempt:

This picture convinced me how wrong I was about Hayden Christensen.
This one too.

Thank God he doesn't wear glasses. Since I always make passes at boys who wear glasses I'd have to make a fool of myself over this guy if he did wear them.
Well I'm off to shop. I haven't done that in a while and I'm on vacation so before I head off for spring break I think I'll go buy stuff. Have a good week.
So here's an attempt:

This picture convinced me how wrong I was about Hayden Christensen.
This one too.

Thank God he doesn't wear glasses. Since I always make passes at boys who wear glasses I'd have to make a fool of myself over this guy if he did wear them.
Well I'm off to shop. I haven't done that in a while and I'm on vacation so before I head off for spring break I think I'll go buy stuff. Have a good week.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
a teensy correction
a little postscript actually to the video I posted a few days ago of little miss hypocrite,Sally Kern in Ok City ranting about us mo's.
Her son is apparently a big one!
Welcome to today's America. Delusional and Shallow!
I'd try not to enjoy it too much but it's soo rich I can't help but warm my hands over the corpse of Sally's public life.
Have a rewarding career at the Retail Roundup Sally.
Her son is apparently a big one!
Welcome to today's America. Delusional and Shallow!
I'd try not to enjoy it too much but it's soo rich I can't help but warm my hands over the corpse of Sally's public life.
Have a rewarding career at the Retail Roundup Sally.
and she screws the pooch
Dear Senator Clinton:
I know you’ll never see this letter but I’m sending it anyway. I need to say a few things and maybe some staffer will get a kick out of some of them. Maybe one or two will get the message as well. I can only hope.
I have to tell you at the outset of this little missive that you were my third choice. First, I chose Dennis Kucinich. Right up until he went to Shirley MacLaine’s house and started seeing UFO’s. I suppose that’s ok, but he shouldn’t have told anyone about it.
Then I chose my worst damn nightmare, the southern Baptist white guy. He was the best, I thought. He represented the ideals I want reflected in my President and he insisted that people around him concentrate on them as well. He packed up his stuff and went home after you and the big baby started arguing all the time.
Then it fell to you. Like I said, not my first choice, but you’re the most experienced, I’ve supported you through your Tammy Wynette misstep, the health care reform debacle, the multitude of vast right wing conspiracies, Don’t ask don’t tell, and your husband’s rather public indiscretion.
But this time you screwed the pooch Hillary. You failed to do the one thing I require of all leaders. You didn’t stand up to a bully.
Barack Obama is nothing but a bully, and he’s using his 15 minutes to censor anyone who says anything he doesn’t want said. It’s political correctness at its most offensive. And you did nothing to stop it.
Geraldine Ferraro did nothing wrong and you know it. She noticed that Barack Obama is black, which seems to be a mortal sin (though I noticed Pope Benedict didn’t include it on his new list of sins) and if we do mention it. We’re racist. Bullshit. All that makes him is a big damn bully and you fell for it.
The news is not good Senator Clinton. Through your inaction, your unwillingness to stand up to this guy who got elected to the Senate 15 minutes ago, who has no experience and will make a total mess of almost everything he touches. Who will, I assure you buddy up to just as many special interests as anyone else. Who is bullying his way into the White House by telling people they shouldn’t deny a black man a seat in the oval office, you lost my vote.
To paraphrase the character Max Cherry in Pulp Fiction, “Is white guilt supposed to make me forget this guy will be running my country?”
As of today this election is over for me. I will not participate. I do not find a candidate worth voting for in the Democratic Party and since there is no other party I will subscribe to. I am abstaining from voting in this election.
Maybe we need a new party, a new system for you people to abuse. Maybe it’d take you a few years to inappropriately utilize a new system, and the rest of could take a breather from the constant barrage that has been this Presidential election.
It’s a shame really, I have always prided myself on the fact that I have insisted that I participate in every single election since 1976, when I voted for the first time at 18. But today at 50 I find it to be quite a different story.
I will reserve the right to complain and whine about what is done in Washington that I do not like, since I would have voted if there had been a viable candidate.
But there wasn’t.
Goodbye Senator Clinton, and good luck in your new location. This black guy(Obama) is gonna continue to kick your ass in the voting booths and you may as well just pack up your stuff and go home. Besides you’ve lost a vote already, what’s to stop more people from coming to the same conclusion. Particularly after I post this on my blog. My readership isn't vast, but influence always starts small, doesn't it?
A former supporter
P.S.It was nice to hear Geraldine tell everyone to go fuck themselves on her way out the door. I liked her then and I like her even more now.
I know you’ll never see this letter but I’m sending it anyway. I need to say a few things and maybe some staffer will get a kick out of some of them. Maybe one or two will get the message as well. I can only hope.
I have to tell you at the outset of this little missive that you were my third choice. First, I chose Dennis Kucinich. Right up until he went to Shirley MacLaine’s house and started seeing UFO’s. I suppose that’s ok, but he shouldn’t have told anyone about it.
Then I chose my worst damn nightmare, the southern Baptist white guy. He was the best, I thought. He represented the ideals I want reflected in my President and he insisted that people around him concentrate on them as well. He packed up his stuff and went home after you and the big baby started arguing all the time.
Then it fell to you. Like I said, not my first choice, but you’re the most experienced, I’ve supported you through your Tammy Wynette misstep, the health care reform debacle, the multitude of vast right wing conspiracies, Don’t ask don’t tell, and your husband’s rather public indiscretion.
But this time you screwed the pooch Hillary. You failed to do the one thing I require of all leaders. You didn’t stand up to a bully.
Barack Obama is nothing but a bully, and he’s using his 15 minutes to censor anyone who says anything he doesn’t want said. It’s political correctness at its most offensive. And you did nothing to stop it.
Geraldine Ferraro did nothing wrong and you know it. She noticed that Barack Obama is black, which seems to be a mortal sin (though I noticed Pope Benedict didn’t include it on his new list of sins) and if we do mention it. We’re racist. Bullshit. All that makes him is a big damn bully and you fell for it.
The news is not good Senator Clinton. Through your inaction, your unwillingness to stand up to this guy who got elected to the Senate 15 minutes ago, who has no experience and will make a total mess of almost everything he touches. Who will, I assure you buddy up to just as many special interests as anyone else. Who is bullying his way into the White House by telling people they shouldn’t deny a black man a seat in the oval office, you lost my vote.
To paraphrase the character Max Cherry in Pulp Fiction, “Is white guilt supposed to make me forget this guy will be running my country?”
As of today this election is over for me. I will not participate. I do not find a candidate worth voting for in the Democratic Party and since there is no other party I will subscribe to. I am abstaining from voting in this election.
Maybe we need a new party, a new system for you people to abuse. Maybe it’d take you a few years to inappropriately utilize a new system, and the rest of could take a breather from the constant barrage that has been this Presidential election.
It’s a shame really, I have always prided myself on the fact that I have insisted that I participate in every single election since 1976, when I voted for the first time at 18. But today at 50 I find it to be quite a different story.
I will reserve the right to complain and whine about what is done in Washington that I do not like, since I would have voted if there had been a viable candidate.
But there wasn’t.
Goodbye Senator Clinton, and good luck in your new location. This black guy(Obama) is gonna continue to kick your ass in the voting booths and you may as well just pack up your stuff and go home. Besides you’ve lost a vote already, what’s to stop more people from coming to the same conclusion. Particularly after I post this on my blog. My readership isn't vast, but influence always starts small, doesn't it?
A former supporter
P.S.It was nice to hear Geraldine tell everyone to go fuck themselves on her way out the door. I liked her then and I like her even more now.
first rant!
This morning I was almost in an accident on the way to work. There was a woman driving a 20 year old Taurus, without license plates I might add, who was entering the highway...WHILE READING!!!!
She had her signal on and a piece of paper in each hand and absolutely no idea what or who was around her. This precipitated a brief but unpleasant discussion.
It's almost as bad as the guy who was driving to work while eating cereal. Yes, he had a bowl and a spoon and he was shoveling corn flakes into his mouth while he drove. In his defense he was at least looking at the traffic.
That reader/driver is not my favorite person this least until my next post.
She had her signal on and a piece of paper in each hand and absolutely no idea what or who was around her. This precipitated a brief but unpleasant discussion.
It's almost as bad as the guy who was driving to work while eating cereal. Yes, he had a bowl and a spoon and he was shoveling corn flakes into his mouth while he drove. In his defense he was at least looking at the traffic.
That reader/driver is not my favorite person this least until my next post.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
More on Ferraro's remarks
The attacks on Geraldine Ferraro for saying Barack Obama wouldn't be where he is if he wasn't black are still going on.
But the thing I find interesting is that Obama is now engaging in exactly the kind of divisive horseshit he says he won't engage in. The minute someone notices he's black, all hell breaks loose.
Props to Geraldine Ferraro for sticking to her guns. What she said wasn't racist and it was true, so let's all take note of the censorship that's taking place.
Everyone bitches so much about political correctness, yet here they are out voting for someone who is promoting that very thing.
Pay attention you dumbasses!
This is from ABC.COM
March 12, 2008
Font Size
Geraldine Ferraro stood by her controversial comments about Sen. Barack Obama's presidential candidacy today.
"I am sorry that people think this was a racist comment," Ferraro said in an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America."
She declined to apologize directly for the firestorm she created when she told a newspaper last week that "if Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position."
She told Sawyer she was "absolutely not" sorry for what she said.
Ferraro, a former 1984 vice presidential candidate, also told Sawyer she has no intention of stepping down as a member of Sen. Hillary Clinton's finance committee.
Ferraro: 'Taken Out of Context'
She told Sawyer she was trying to say it's a good thing that Obama was where he was. Ferraro said she was saying that "the black community came out with ... pride in [Obama's] candidacy. You would think he would say 'thank you' for doing that, instead, I'm charged with being a racist."
Ferraro told "GMA" she was drawing a comparison to her own history, contending that if she was not a women she would not have been chosen to be Walter Mondale's running mate in 1984 -- a point she also made in the newspaper interview.
Read Ferrraro's newspaper interview here.
Obama Speaks
Obama also appeared on "GMA" fresh from his victory in Tuesday's Mississippi primary. Today he declined to say whether he thought Ferraro should be fired.
"I'll leave that to the Clinton campaign," he said, but added when people associated with his campaign have made objectionable comments, they were fired.
Obama scoffed at the notion that being black "is a huge advantage" for him. "The quickest path to the presidency [is not] I want to be an African-American man named Barack Obama," he said.
A fundraiser and outspoken supporter for Clinton, Ferraro was the first woman nominated by a major political party as its candidate for vice president of the United States.
In an interview with ABC News affiliate WHTM, Clinton ignored calls from the Obama campaign to remove Ferraro from her campaign, saying, "Well, I don't agree with that and I think it's important that we try to stay focused on issues that matter to the American people."
In a relatively mild response, Clinton continued, "And both of us have had supporters and staff members who've gone over the line and we have to reign them in and try to keep this on the issues. There are big differences between us on the issues — let's stay focused on that."
Obama chided Clinton for Ferraro's comment to a Pennsylvania newspaper.
"I don't think Geraldine Ferraro's comments have any place in our politics or in the Democratic Party," Obama told Pennsylvania's Allentown Morning Call newspaper. "They are divisive. I think anybody who understands the history of this country knows they are patently absurd. And I would expect that the same way those comments don't have a place in my campaign they shouldn't have a place in Sen. Clinton's either."
Ferraro, a 72-year-old lawyer and former congresswoman, said this campaign was "very emotional" for her and suggested Clinton has been a victim of a "very sexist media."
"I think what America feels about a woman becoming president takes a very secondary place to Obama's campaign — to a kind of campaign that it would be hard for anyone to run against," Ferraro told California's Daily Breeze local paper.
"For one thing, you have the press, which has been uniquely hard on her," she said. "It's been a very sexist media. Some just don't like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign."
Obama Aide Resigned After 'Monster' Remark
Ferraro's controversial comments have made news less than a week after Obama senior foreign policy adviser Samantha Power resigned from the Illinois senator's campaign for calling Clinton "a monster.''
The Obama campaign held a conference call with reporters Tuesday with Obama supporter Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., arguing that Ferraro's words "undermine" Democrats' "ability to win in November."
Obama Addresses Race Remarks
"It's disappointing that Clinton supporters have sought to somehow diminish Sen. Obama's candidacy and his support by suggesting he's in some way being given preferential treatment because of his race," Schakowsky said. "Any and all remarks that diminish Sen. Obama's candidacy because of his race are completely out of line."
Schakowsky urged Clinton to call on all of her advisers and supporters to change the tone of the campaign.
Obama campaign manager David Axelrod added the comment was "part of an insidious pattern that needs to be addressed" within the Clinton campaign, pointing to Clinton's remark to "60 Minutes" that rumors of Obama being a Muslim aren't true, "as far as I know," she said.
"When you wink and nod at offensive statements, you're really sending a signal to your supporters that anything goes," Axelrod said, arguing Clinton is seen as a "divisive and polarizing force."
The Obama campaign pounced Tuesday afternoon on Clinton's mild statement about Ferraro's remark, referring to language Clinton used when she urged Obama to denounce and reject anti-Semitic comments by Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan.
"With Sen. Clinton's refusal to denounce or reject Ms. Ferraro, she has once again proven that her campaign gets to live by its own rules and its own double standard, and will only decry offensive comments when it's politically advantageous to Sen. Clinton," Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said.
"Her refusal to take responsibility for her own supporter's remarks is exactly the kind of tactic that feeds the American people's cynicism about politics today and it's why Barack Obama's message of change has resonated so strongly in every corner of the country," Burton said.
Ferraro is currently a lobbyist in New York with Blank Rome Government Relations.
But the thing I find interesting is that Obama is now engaging in exactly the kind of divisive horseshit he says he won't engage in. The minute someone notices he's black, all hell breaks loose.
Props to Geraldine Ferraro for sticking to her guns. What she said wasn't racist and it was true, so let's all take note of the censorship that's taking place.
Everyone bitches so much about political correctness, yet here they are out voting for someone who is promoting that very thing.
Pay attention you dumbasses!
This is from ABC.COM
March 12, 2008
Font Size
Geraldine Ferraro stood by her controversial comments about Sen. Barack Obama's presidential candidacy today.
"I am sorry that people think this was a racist comment," Ferraro said in an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America."
She declined to apologize directly for the firestorm she created when she told a newspaper last week that "if Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position."
She told Sawyer she was "absolutely not" sorry for what she said.
Ferraro, a former 1984 vice presidential candidate, also told Sawyer she has no intention of stepping down as a member of Sen. Hillary Clinton's finance committee.
Ferraro: 'Taken Out of Context'
She told Sawyer she was trying to say it's a good thing that Obama was where he was. Ferraro said she was saying that "the black community came out with ... pride in [Obama's] candidacy. You would think he would say 'thank you' for doing that, instead, I'm charged with being a racist."
Ferraro told "GMA" she was drawing a comparison to her own history, contending that if she was not a women she would not have been chosen to be Walter Mondale's running mate in 1984 -- a point she also made in the newspaper interview.
Read Ferrraro's newspaper interview here.
Obama Speaks
Obama also appeared on "GMA" fresh from his victory in Tuesday's Mississippi primary. Today he declined to say whether he thought Ferraro should be fired.
"I'll leave that to the Clinton campaign," he said, but added when people associated with his campaign have made objectionable comments, they were fired.
Obama scoffed at the notion that being black "is a huge advantage" for him. "The quickest path to the presidency [is not] I want to be an African-American man named Barack Obama," he said.
A fundraiser and outspoken supporter for Clinton, Ferraro was the first woman nominated by a major political party as its candidate for vice president of the United States.
In an interview with ABC News affiliate WHTM, Clinton ignored calls from the Obama campaign to remove Ferraro from her campaign, saying, "Well, I don't agree with that and I think it's important that we try to stay focused on issues that matter to the American people."
In a relatively mild response, Clinton continued, "And both of us have had supporters and staff members who've gone over the line and we have to reign them in and try to keep this on the issues. There are big differences between us on the issues — let's stay focused on that."
Obama chided Clinton for Ferraro's comment to a Pennsylvania newspaper.
"I don't think Geraldine Ferraro's comments have any place in our politics or in the Democratic Party," Obama told Pennsylvania's Allentown Morning Call newspaper. "They are divisive. I think anybody who understands the history of this country knows they are patently absurd. And I would expect that the same way those comments don't have a place in my campaign they shouldn't have a place in Sen. Clinton's either."
Ferraro, a 72-year-old lawyer and former congresswoman, said this campaign was "very emotional" for her and suggested Clinton has been a victim of a "very sexist media."
"I think what America feels about a woman becoming president takes a very secondary place to Obama's campaign — to a kind of campaign that it would be hard for anyone to run against," Ferraro told California's Daily Breeze local paper.
"For one thing, you have the press, which has been uniquely hard on her," she said. "It's been a very sexist media. Some just don't like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign."
Obama Aide Resigned After 'Monster' Remark
Ferraro's controversial comments have made news less than a week after Obama senior foreign policy adviser Samantha Power resigned from the Illinois senator's campaign for calling Clinton "a monster.''
The Obama campaign held a conference call with reporters Tuesday with Obama supporter Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., arguing that Ferraro's words "undermine" Democrats' "ability to win in November."
Obama Addresses Race Remarks
"It's disappointing that Clinton supporters have sought to somehow diminish Sen. Obama's candidacy and his support by suggesting he's in some way being given preferential treatment because of his race," Schakowsky said. "Any and all remarks that diminish Sen. Obama's candidacy because of his race are completely out of line."
Schakowsky urged Clinton to call on all of her advisers and supporters to change the tone of the campaign.
Obama campaign manager David Axelrod added the comment was "part of an insidious pattern that needs to be addressed" within the Clinton campaign, pointing to Clinton's remark to "60 Minutes" that rumors of Obama being a Muslim aren't true, "as far as I know," she said.
"When you wink and nod at offensive statements, you're really sending a signal to your supporters that anything goes," Axelrod said, arguing Clinton is seen as a "divisive and polarizing force."
The Obama campaign pounced Tuesday afternoon on Clinton's mild statement about Ferraro's remark, referring to language Clinton used when she urged Obama to denounce and reject anti-Semitic comments by Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan.
"With Sen. Clinton's refusal to denounce or reject Ms. Ferraro, she has once again proven that her campaign gets to live by its own rules and its own double standard, and will only decry offensive comments when it's politically advantageous to Sen. Clinton," Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said.
"Her refusal to take responsibility for her own supporter's remarks is exactly the kind of tactic that feeds the American people's cynicism about politics today and it's why Barack Obama's message of change has resonated so strongly in every corner of the country," Burton said.
Ferraro is currently a lobbyist in New York with Blank Rome Government Relations. they crack me up
Those crazy catholics are at it again. They've come up with more mortal sins! As though the old fashioned ones, like adultery and murder, weren't enough, they wanted more. (sounds like a catholic)
In their latest paroxysm of hypocrisy they've added these to the list:
1. Genetic modification
2. Carrying out experiments on humans
3. Polluting the environment
4. Causing social injustice
5. Causing poverty
6. Becoming obscenely wealthy
7. Taking drugs
Have you ever noticed that most of those of us who make a habit of bad-mouthing the Catholics are those who were raised in that "faith"
If you truly want to know if something is rotting from the inside out, work your way out from the center.
I think becoming obscenely wealthy is my favorite. I can hear Benedict wondering to himself, "Now where did I put that original Da Vinci painting? Ah! Of course, in the closet with my red Prada Shoes and my "assistant."
"Taking drugs" With the recent revelation (pun intended) that Moses may have been tripping his ass off on Mt. Sinai I find this one particularly troubling. I mean really, who goes around seeing burning bushes except someone on acid?
Well, those of us with no faith in organized religion at all have actual work to do to prepare for a much deserved vacation this weekend. If you pray, pray for Benny, he's gonna need it one day when he goes to that great haberdashery in the sky.
(thanks to for the heads up on the latest in sins)
In their latest paroxysm of hypocrisy they've added these to the list:
1. Genetic modification
2. Carrying out experiments on humans
3. Polluting the environment
4. Causing social injustice
5. Causing poverty
6. Becoming obscenely wealthy
7. Taking drugs
Have you ever noticed that most of those of us who make a habit of bad-mouthing the Catholics are those who were raised in that "faith"
If you truly want to know if something is rotting from the inside out, work your way out from the center.
I think becoming obscenely wealthy is my favorite. I can hear Benedict wondering to himself, "Now where did I put that original Da Vinci painting? Ah! Of course, in the closet with my red Prada Shoes and my "assistant."
"Taking drugs" With the recent revelation (pun intended) that Moses may have been tripping his ass off on Mt. Sinai I find this one particularly troubling. I mean really, who goes around seeing burning bushes except someone on acid?
Well, those of us with no faith in organized religion at all have actual work to do to prepare for a much deserved vacation this weekend. If you pray, pray for Benny, he's gonna need it one day when he goes to that great haberdashery in the sky.
(thanks to for the heads up on the latest in sins)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
You can smell the desperation
Yes I am desperate. I am desperate to get the fuck out of here. To get a teaching job, to stop engaging in this mind-numbing exercise that is my job at the library every fucking day of my life.
Can you tell I'm in pretty much the same shitty humor I was in last Tuesday?
I am however, desperate.
So desperate in fact that I just applied for job in Ada, Oklahoma.
Yes, ladies, and...well...ladies, I have volunteered for deportation to..........oklahoma.
Well at least I'm not reduced to applying for jobs in Texas...yet.
A friend brought to my attention the fact that my comments on Barack Obama could be interpreted as racist. They're not. I just don't like the guy.
Those of you know me, know better, and those that don't will draw their own conclusions. That's all I'm going to say on the subject, it just winds into endless debate and I refuse to go down that road.
Can you tell I'm in pretty much the same shitty humor I was in last Tuesday?
I am however, desperate.
So desperate in fact that I just applied for job in Ada, Oklahoma.
Yes, ladies, and...well...ladies, I have volunteered for deportation to..........oklahoma.
Well at least I'm not reduced to applying for jobs in Texas...yet.
A friend brought to my attention the fact that my comments on Barack Obama could be interpreted as racist. They're not. I just don't like the guy.
Those of you know me, know better, and those that don't will draw their own conclusions. That's all I'm going to say on the subject, it just winds into endless debate and I refuse to go down that road.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
I told you so
I've said for years that they say terrible things when they think we're not listening. NOW do you believe me?
(courtesy of
(courtesy of
Friday, March 7, 2008
I was joking!
I was, really. Last week when I said I hoped there'd be lots of speedos and pornstaches for this weeks Friday hot guy fest I didn't really mean it. Well, I did, but who expects that stuff to come true?
Anyway, I put in pornstache and up comes Timberlake. I'm not crazy about him, he's terribly young, and in my opinion that lowers my level of interest automatically. I would make an exception for his old boy-bandmate JC Chasez though, that boy is cuuute!, and I hear he's hanging around with some guy lately, and they've moved in together. Hope springs eternal, and the bags under my eyes are going to magically disappear one day. Yeah right.
Anyway here's Justin, I do take exception to the fact that that is not in point of fact a speedo, and his stick on mustache isn't exactly period, but I get the point of the picture and it is fun.

Oldflame used to wear speedos...and boy could he wear those things!
Cocktails and dinner out with friends. Tomorrow is horses, cars, and lots of reading. Besides we lose an hour, which sucks. Sunday I'll lunch with the bro and then back to that thing I do. Oldflame should be in Thailand by now. He's off to Vietnam and Cambodia for a week or two. I think this makes 55 countries. He loves it. That's what's important.
I, on the other hand aspire to seeing California day.
Anyway, I put in pornstache and up comes Timberlake. I'm not crazy about him, he's terribly young, and in my opinion that lowers my level of interest automatically. I would make an exception for his old boy-bandmate JC Chasez though, that boy is cuuute!, and I hear he's hanging around with some guy lately, and they've moved in together. Hope springs eternal, and the bags under my eyes are going to magically disappear one day. Yeah right.
Anyway here's Justin, I do take exception to the fact that that is not in point of fact a speedo, and his stick on mustache isn't exactly period, but I get the point of the picture and it is fun.

Oldflame used to wear speedos...and boy could he wear those things!
Cocktails and dinner out with friends. Tomorrow is horses, cars, and lots of reading. Besides we lose an hour, which sucks. Sunday I'll lunch with the bro and then back to that thing I do. Oldflame should be in Thailand by now. He's off to Vietnam and Cambodia for a week or two. I think this makes 55 countries. He loves it. That's what's important.
I, on the other hand aspire to seeing California day.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
It's redundant but I'll do it anyway
You know how I'm always going on about how stupid people are?
Here's some of that proof I love to see so much:

And then he seemed genuinely surprised that the crocodile wanted to kill him.
It's a mystery to me.
(pictures courtesy of
Hillary Clinton may not win the nomination but she's getting in some damn good one-liners. Yesterday she said: "I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say. He's never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002."
pretty goood!
I'll bet Barack Obama was a bitch to live with yesterday. He presses those sour grapes a little too publicly for me when he looses.
I mean come on folks, he's a first term Senator from Illinois, with little political experience (yes I know he was an organizer blah blah blah) and no foreign policy experience who is running on one issue and one issue only: and that is, Do you all want change so badly that you're willing to put a completely inexperienced, unoriginal African American in the White House for the next four years? His policy of telling everyone what they want to hear is working well. It's proven that we Americans will believe any shit we're told and he's got no reason not to capitalize on that.
I read on some blog yesterday that I found while I was sitting here, completely spacing out my Spanish class, that said something to the effect of "It doesn't matter whether he believes in or worships Jesus." Well, it actually does. His religious beliefs will definitely effect his leadership no doubt about it. It effected Kennedy as a catholic, it effected Nixon as a quaker, even though he was more crazy than religious. It effected Jimmy Carter as a southern baptist,(if I recall correctly Carter declared himself born-again while in office) and it most definitely effects George W Bush who thinks God wanted him to be President. So why in God's name (pun intended) would it not be relevant in this case?
What's more relevant than that to me is that we're all so willing to jump on the empty bandwagon. There's nothing there folks! It's an empty vessel run by a captain who just wants to be the first black American President. Now find me a black guy with some credentials, some real experience on the world stage, hell, find me someone who holds hearings on the NATO committee they're supposed to be chairing in the Senate, and I'll vote for them. Someone of substance with something to say. Someone who can and will stand up and say to the world that we're a responsible nation that takes our role as superpower seriously and comprehends and respects the responsibilities that implies. And then goes out and proves those words are true.
That's a guy I'll vote for.
This guy doesn't impress me at all.
"Be nice to gay people, they're so stupid they might just be the key to me getting elected...then we can forget them."
Well, that's how Bill Clinton got elected...twice. He told us what we wanted to hear and we bought it. And then he fucked us, and not in a good way.
Prepare for more of the same.
I'm not delusional, I know that Hillary Clinton isn't going to fix our problems either, but I do believe she's got a better idea of what it takes to get things done than Obama. If he wants to run again in four years, and he's gotten some real experience and shown his ability to do more than give good speech, as Richard Rothstein said on Proceed At Your Own Risk this morning, I'll campaign for him wholeheartedly. But not this time.
And for something even scarier here's a quote from Rev. John Hagee (who hates fags, of course) about the ecclesiastical possibilities behind Hurricane Katrina:
"All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they are -- were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other Gay Pride parades. So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know that there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the day of judgment. And I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans."
John McCain just welcomed this guy into his life with open arms.
Are you frightened enough yet?
Wait, wait look over there! A crocodile! Go look at it.
Here's some of that proof I love to see so much:

And then he seemed genuinely surprised that the crocodile wanted to kill him.
It's a mystery to me.
(pictures courtesy of
Hillary Clinton may not win the nomination but she's getting in some damn good one-liners. Yesterday she said: "I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say. He's never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002."
pretty goood!
I'll bet Barack Obama was a bitch to live with yesterday. He presses those sour grapes a little too publicly for me when he looses.
I mean come on folks, he's a first term Senator from Illinois, with little political experience (yes I know he was an organizer blah blah blah) and no foreign policy experience who is running on one issue and one issue only: and that is, Do you all want change so badly that you're willing to put a completely inexperienced, unoriginal African American in the White House for the next four years? His policy of telling everyone what they want to hear is working well. It's proven that we Americans will believe any shit we're told and he's got no reason not to capitalize on that.
I read on some blog yesterday that I found while I was sitting here, completely spacing out my Spanish class, that said something to the effect of "It doesn't matter whether he believes in or worships Jesus." Well, it actually does. His religious beliefs will definitely effect his leadership no doubt about it. It effected Kennedy as a catholic, it effected Nixon as a quaker, even though he was more crazy than religious. It effected Jimmy Carter as a southern baptist,(if I recall correctly Carter declared himself born-again while in office) and it most definitely effects George W Bush who thinks God wanted him to be President. So why in God's name (pun intended) would it not be relevant in this case?
What's more relevant than that to me is that we're all so willing to jump on the empty bandwagon. There's nothing there folks! It's an empty vessel run by a captain who just wants to be the first black American President. Now find me a black guy with some credentials, some real experience on the world stage, hell, find me someone who holds hearings on the NATO committee they're supposed to be chairing in the Senate, and I'll vote for them. Someone of substance with something to say. Someone who can and will stand up and say to the world that we're a responsible nation that takes our role as superpower seriously and comprehends and respects the responsibilities that implies. And then goes out and proves those words are true.
That's a guy I'll vote for.
This guy doesn't impress me at all.
"Be nice to gay people, they're so stupid they might just be the key to me getting elected...then we can forget them."
Well, that's how Bill Clinton got elected...twice. He told us what we wanted to hear and we bought it. And then he fucked us, and not in a good way.
Prepare for more of the same.
I'm not delusional, I know that Hillary Clinton isn't going to fix our problems either, but I do believe she's got a better idea of what it takes to get things done than Obama. If he wants to run again in four years, and he's gotten some real experience and shown his ability to do more than give good speech, as Richard Rothstein said on Proceed At Your Own Risk this morning, I'll campaign for him wholeheartedly. But not this time.
And for something even scarier here's a quote from Rev. John Hagee (who hates fags, of course) about the ecclesiastical possibilities behind Hurricane Katrina:
"All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they are -- were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other Gay Pride parades. So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know that there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the day of judgment. And I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans."
John McCain just welcomed this guy into his life with open arms.
Are you frightened enough yet?
Wait, wait look over there! A crocodile! Go look at it.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
like I'd just shut up after that
I'm cutting and pasting a story I just found on The whole issue of Barack Obama and his policy to tell anyone anything they want to hear is abundantly transparent to me. Apparently not to everyone, since they vote for him in droves. But I've found a few who get that he's full of it, and they were speaking on this post.
It's a must read for those of us GLBT voters who are either undecided or are blindly voting for the flavor of the month cause it's fashionable to be "inspirational."
Read this and get a clue:
Posted on March 4, 2008.
LGBTQ Community Too Sharp For Recycled Propaganda
Filed by: Rev Irene Monroe
If Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's recent flood of campaign literature can be believed, then his recent media buys in Ohio and Texas might be a sign of "a change of heart" or, as we say in religious language, a "conversion," as he demonstrated at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, where he shared his thoughts on same-sex unions.
"I think that it is a legal right that they [homosexuals] should have that is recognized by the state. If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans," Obama said, which was then used in advertisements in the four largest LGBTQ markets in Ohio and Texas -- Columbus, Cleveland, Dallas, and Houston.
Shop TLA Video
According to Obama's LGBTQ Steering Committee member Eric Stern, purchasing of these ads was "the icing on the cake" leading up to today's primaries.
But before the Obama campaign have their cake and eat it too in celebration of their outreach to these targeted queer communities, perhaps they need to chew on this as well: What about the queer newspapers in Rhode Island and Vermont that run throughout the New England states, one of which I write for?
Perhaps the LGBTQ populations are two small in numbers to matter and the states too weak in delegate power in helping Obama clench the presidential nomination?
But let me refer Obama to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus says in Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they too shall inherit the earth."
And but our community here needs to hear this from you as well if we're going to ever believe that you want to be part of us.
This timely conversion might appear more faith-driven than politically motivated, but the language of Christian equality was non-existent in Obama's "Open Letter from Barack Obama to the LGBT Community" as a guest blogger here on The Bilerico Project just last week, in which he said:
I personally believe that civil unions represent the best way to secure that equal treatment. But I also believe that the federal government should not stand in the way of states that want to decide on their own how best to pursue equality for gay and lesbian couples -- whether that means a domestic partnership, a civil union, or a civil marriage.
The differences between civil union vs. civil marriage for same-sex couple is approximately 1,049 benefits and protections that are conferred upon heterosexual marriages. And the differences have been explained and expounded upon to Obama and his campaign ad nauseum. However, his repackaging the same pro-civil union rhetoric since his run for the White House is like re-gifting your undesirable Christmas presents. Sooner or later, when these gifts are passed around enough, someone will take them.
But, Obama, not everyone is buying your re-gift.
A commenter at Pam's House Blend wrote:
Obama not only thinks that separate-but-equal is just ducky for LGBT couples. It was a gimmick from an era in which Obama could have aspired to no position in the White House higher than that of head janitor..., Once he's in office, LGBT citizens will be forgotten. Fast.
Obama is also in favor of the "States Rights" approach to the whole marriage equality issue. This was a principle sacred to the White Citizens' Councils a half-century ago and is just as unconstitutional now.
This isn't a compromise or incremental approach to marriage equality; it's flat-out opposition to it -- and on the basis of old segregationist tricks at that all.
But there's no limit to the ability of some voters to believe whatever is presented to them in a slick package, apparently.
Another commenter there wrote:
People are very galvanized by Barack (who is my Senator) in a way that surprises me. I am all for hope and change and then the question becomes what will the change be on the issues I care most about. My husband and I have two kids and face constant challenges, great and small, by not being treated as legally married (which we are in Canada) so protecting my family is critical for me. Here, Barack advocates something less than marriage (and since he is very popular and very persuasive, this reassures a lot of people that they, too, can be against marriage). This has particular sting because he presents himself, as Karen noted, as a constitutional law expert. As such he knows that the right to civil marriage is constitutionally protected and has been held to be so important it cannot be denied even to convicted serial killers (who can lose the right to vote and other civil rights). Why do we deserve less? No one ever asks him.
Since Obama doesn't often defend his position on civil unions to members of the GLBT media, it is politically prudent for him to buy ads speaking to us because doing so lets him control his interactions with the LGBTQ community and the topics on which he doesn't want to be challenged.
Let me suggest that Obama take his time and read the entire Sermon on the Mount, chapters 5-7, from which he referenced recently. It contains the central tenets of Christian ethical teachings on which he claims to base his campaign. And I strongly suggest that he reads all of Matthew 7, the concluding chapter. It emphasizes the difficulty of doing what is right, but the moral imperative to do so nonetheless
It's a must read for those of us GLBT voters who are either undecided or are blindly voting for the flavor of the month cause it's fashionable to be "inspirational."
Read this and get a clue:
Posted on March 4, 2008.
LGBTQ Community Too Sharp For Recycled Propaganda
Filed by: Rev Irene Monroe
If Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's recent flood of campaign literature can be believed, then his recent media buys in Ohio and Texas might be a sign of "a change of heart" or, as we say in religious language, a "conversion," as he demonstrated at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, where he shared his thoughts on same-sex unions.
"I think that it is a legal right that they [homosexuals] should have that is recognized by the state. If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans," Obama said, which was then used in advertisements in the four largest LGBTQ markets in Ohio and Texas -- Columbus, Cleveland, Dallas, and Houston.
Shop TLA Video
According to Obama's LGBTQ Steering Committee member Eric Stern, purchasing of these ads was "the icing on the cake" leading up to today's primaries.
But before the Obama campaign have their cake and eat it too in celebration of their outreach to these targeted queer communities, perhaps they need to chew on this as well: What about the queer newspapers in Rhode Island and Vermont that run throughout the New England states, one of which I write for?
Perhaps the LGBTQ populations are two small in numbers to matter and the states too weak in delegate power in helping Obama clench the presidential nomination?
But let me refer Obama to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus says in Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they too shall inherit the earth."
And but our community here needs to hear this from you as well if we're going to ever believe that you want to be part of us.
This timely conversion might appear more faith-driven than politically motivated, but the language of Christian equality was non-existent in Obama's "Open Letter from Barack Obama to the LGBT Community" as a guest blogger here on The Bilerico Project just last week, in which he said:
I personally believe that civil unions represent the best way to secure that equal treatment. But I also believe that the federal government should not stand in the way of states that want to decide on their own how best to pursue equality for gay and lesbian couples -- whether that means a domestic partnership, a civil union, or a civil marriage.
The differences between civil union vs. civil marriage for same-sex couple is approximately 1,049 benefits and protections that are conferred upon heterosexual marriages. And the differences have been explained and expounded upon to Obama and his campaign ad nauseum. However, his repackaging the same pro-civil union rhetoric since his run for the White House is like re-gifting your undesirable Christmas presents. Sooner or later, when these gifts are passed around enough, someone will take them.
But, Obama, not everyone is buying your re-gift.
A commenter at Pam's House Blend wrote:
Obama not only thinks that separate-but-equal is just ducky for LGBT couples. It was a gimmick from an era in which Obama could have aspired to no position in the White House higher than that of head janitor..., Once he's in office, LGBT citizens will be forgotten. Fast.
Obama is also in favor of the "States Rights" approach to the whole marriage equality issue. This was a principle sacred to the White Citizens' Councils a half-century ago and is just as unconstitutional now.
This isn't a compromise or incremental approach to marriage equality; it's flat-out opposition to it -- and on the basis of old segregationist tricks at that all.
But there's no limit to the ability of some voters to believe whatever is presented to them in a slick package, apparently.
Another commenter there wrote:
People are very galvanized by Barack (who is my Senator) in a way that surprises me. I am all for hope and change and then the question becomes what will the change be on the issues I care most about. My husband and I have two kids and face constant challenges, great and small, by not being treated as legally married (which we are in Canada) so protecting my family is critical for me. Here, Barack advocates something less than marriage (and since he is very popular and very persuasive, this reassures a lot of people that they, too, can be against marriage). This has particular sting because he presents himself, as Karen noted, as a constitutional law expert. As such he knows that the right to civil marriage is constitutionally protected and has been held to be so important it cannot be denied even to convicted serial killers (who can lose the right to vote and other civil rights). Why do we deserve less? No one ever asks him.
Since Obama doesn't often defend his position on civil unions to members of the GLBT media, it is politically prudent for him to buy ads speaking to us because doing so lets him control his interactions with the LGBTQ community and the topics on which he doesn't want to be challenged.
Let me suggest that Obama take his time and read the entire Sermon on the Mount, chapters 5-7, from which he referenced recently. It contains the central tenets of Christian ethical teachings on which he claims to base his campaign. And I strongly suggest that he reads all of Matthew 7, the concluding chapter. It emphasizes the difficulty of doing what is right, but the moral imperative to do so nonetheless
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm going to post a cropped version of the March calendar. the pictures really don't do it justice. I've been feeling particularly useless today and found myself staring at it quite a lot this morning. It's really cool.
I'm truly sad I can't make it to Berkeley for the final performances of Jukebox Stories there. Men touching men is always a worthwhile activity to pay to see. But men touching barely legal that's must see theatre!
The weather managed to give us a little tug this weekend and that was all. Sadly we're back to cold and shitty. I'll be sooo glad when it's spring and I can bitch about the heat and humidity and the pollen and the rain and......
The medical establishment is truly screwing us. I just came to that realization the other day when I got over 1k of bills for three tests which they're attributing to a mysterious new deductible. Humana sucks it, and for 1400 bucks they better suck it good.
I am now a tireless advocate of universal health care. This shit has got to go. That along with big oil. Rid ourselves of those two and we'd all be better off. Especially if we were walking. Better air, better health. What's so bad about that?
Yeah I think they have to go.
If I hear one more of you say you're going to vote for inspiration I'm going to puke!
Let's see if you can eat or run your car on inspiration in three years.
The last thing I wanted to do today was ask a question:
Is this the face of evil or what?

First of all you are sooo fallible when you wear colors that clash that badly. And second I'm waiting for a bolt of lightning to come flashing out of that gnarled talon any second. The catholic church is the source of all evil I swear it.
Is it apparent that I am not playing well with others today?
Monday, March 3, 2008
So Sorry!
I'm a bit over scheduled today. What happened Friday I can't tell you cause I don't remember, but I do know I forgot to post the picture of the Freaking Amazing Ancient Egyptian 2008 Popup Calendar.
So here:

It's entirely possible that I was so enamored of Taye Diggs abs that I spaced out the calendar altogether and most of you will know that's not only possible it's likely, so I know I'm forgiven.
Today I scheduled a chiropractor follow-up visit, a meeting, calls to the health insurance co who is seriously trying to screw me over some tests (you wouldn't believe what they've billed me) calls to the courthouse to get those people to start giving out correct info. (Adoption records in Kansas are not sealed and they're telling people they are.) Make an appt to get the brakes on the car serviced. Do my regular work, which is a lot on Monday, AND go to Spanish class this afternoon (in an hour to be precise) after which I have to go get my TB skin test read(schools require you have one as a teacher) and then off to pottery class.
So do I have time for you? NO. Do I love you so much and crave the attention that like 150 people have given me since the first of the year that I will cram a few minutes into my day to get this pic posted and say hello. Of course I will.
I'm still trying to formulate a plan about the adoption thing. I have decided to ask the courts to put my name back on my birth certificate, keeping the fist name. I'm too old to change that one now. As for contacting Mommy Dearest about Daddy's name. I think a letter is the best way. She'll ignore it and then I'll send another and another and finally she'll get scared enough that I'll re-appear and tell her husband and children that I'm her dirty little secret that she'll give it up. (she's never told anyone about me, so I've got great leverage should I have to resort to extortion. lol)
Either that or one of us will succumb to the vagaries of time and stress and just die, and then it won't really matter will it?
So here:

It's entirely possible that I was so enamored of Taye Diggs abs that I spaced out the calendar altogether and most of you will know that's not only possible it's likely, so I know I'm forgiven.
Today I scheduled a chiropractor follow-up visit, a meeting, calls to the health insurance co who is seriously trying to screw me over some tests (you wouldn't believe what they've billed me) calls to the courthouse to get those people to start giving out correct info. (Adoption records in Kansas are not sealed and they're telling people they are.) Make an appt to get the brakes on the car serviced. Do my regular work, which is a lot on Monday, AND go to Spanish class this afternoon (in an hour to be precise) after which I have to go get my TB skin test read(schools require you have one as a teacher) and then off to pottery class.
So do I have time for you? NO. Do I love you so much and crave the attention that like 150 people have given me since the first of the year that I will cram a few minutes into my day to get this pic posted and say hello. Of course I will.
I'm still trying to formulate a plan about the adoption thing. I have decided to ask the courts to put my name back on my birth certificate, keeping the fist name. I'm too old to change that one now. As for contacting Mommy Dearest about Daddy's name. I think a letter is the best way. She'll ignore it and then I'll send another and another and finally she'll get scared enough that I'll re-appear and tell her husband and children that I'm her dirty little secret that she'll give it up. (she's never told anyone about me, so I've got great leverage should I have to resort to extortion. lol)
Either that or one of us will succumb to the vagaries of time and stress and just die, and then it won't really matter will it?
Saturday, March 1, 2008
and the worm turns
OMG! I'm still digesting all the information I have received today.
I opened my mailbox to find an envelope from the state child welfare division, and all the way back to my apt I couldn't figure out what it was.
It appears the woman at the vital record office at teh county courthouse was wrong. Kansas is an open record state, and today I received all the offocial papers regarding my adoption decree. Daddy was never named, but Mommy dearest was apparently white trash from the get-go.
JoAnn Taylor was indeed my biological mother. I am so putting that on the internet!
I'm kind of reeling from it all, so all I'm going to say until i come to some rational decisions, which are not likely on this $100 bottle of wine I just opened, is...
My name is Douglas Taylor.
I opened my mailbox to find an envelope from the state child welfare division, and all the way back to my apt I couldn't figure out what it was.
It appears the woman at the vital record office at teh county courthouse was wrong. Kansas is an open record state, and today I received all the offocial papers regarding my adoption decree. Daddy was never named, but Mommy dearest was apparently white trash from the get-go.
JoAnn Taylor was indeed my biological mother. I am so putting that on the internet!
I'm kind of reeling from it all, so all I'm going to say until i come to some rational decisions, which are not likely on this $100 bottle of wine I just opened, is...
My name is Douglas Taylor.
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