Come Tuesday morning after my class, I'm the hell outta here. Eagle Nest here I come. It shouldn't be too crowded, there's hardly any snow. Fine by me, I'm not much of a skier anyway. Bunny slopes are more my speed. And sometimes THEY'RE too fast.
So I'll lay about and read and hike, and sleep, and oh yes, eat.
Still high on Zack Greinke's win of the Cy Young yesterday. It's such a rarity to hear of any good news from that organization that I revel in any I can get.
Jacque Pennyea is fussing about sending me a new credit card. Well, fuck I lost the last one. I'm senile give me a fucking break. It's likely somewhere in this apartment, but damned if I can find it. There's no change in the balance so no one actually has it, and if they do they're the dumbest damn criminal ever, it's not getting used.
Gotta renew this domain today before I forget it again. Do NOT want to lose this outlet.
Speaking of losing outlets. There are like two classes that have made so far for next semester in the entire dept at the university. Very dismal. Two of them are mine, thank Gods. And I'm looking in to the notion that directing and Tech directing are two different positions and I should get paid for both. That would make 4 (count 'em) 4 adjunct positions from there alone, plus the two from the college and I'd be good to go.
Still suffering from this damn cold, but at least today there's no sore throat. Did a long and painful netti pot last night which seemed to do the trick in that area. But today the headful is localized. lovin' it. (snort)
Oh! Spoke with Missouri this morning and they're processing my birth certificate amendment as we speak and should have it out next week. Which means the first of December since next week is Thanksgiving. But still...yeah!
Glazed a bunch of pots yesterday, and now I have to go and make some more of the latest order I got.
Everyone's poor this year so it already appears that they're gonna get all warm and fuzzy this Christmas since they can't buy anybody anything...well, ok. I warn you every year that it'll happen here and sooner or later I'm gonna be right.
It's probably time to do another of those "what should I be thankful for" lists that are so popular on the net nowadays. Well maybe next week from NM, for now I got work to do.
And so it goes:
