More calendar fun. We've got six more months of this to go folks, so you may as well enjoy this calendar as much as I do, cause it ain't stopping.
Nice weekend! It started off a little strange but turned out ok.
I got a call Thursday from K, one of my oldest friends. He was trying to guilt me into doing something he didn't think I'd do, which was to go to birthday dinner with him, his partner, and partner's best friend. Partner's best friend happens to be my ex. Mind you, we sorta kinda dated 5 years ago for about 6 months, four of which I lived 250 miles away. So when things went sour it seemed odd that ex would give me attitude when we ran into each other, but there it was, so I declined to be around him. Seriously, who needs that junior high crap? (we're 50 years old! I have no energy for that!)
So I threw caution to the wind and went to dinner Friday. Ex behaved perfectly, and everything was fine. We ate at this great seafood place, the waitress told me that the seabass melts in your mouth. She wasn't exaggerating. It was one of those orgasmic food experiences.
Saturday I rode horses early and then went home to collapse on the couch. It was hot later in the day so I was glad I got it out of the way early.
Friends came over for dinner and cards and I grilled shrimp and corn on the cob and made pesto pasta. For dessert I was bad, I stuffed cannoli with a ricotta, cream, and cinnamon mixture and made a raspberry glaze to pour over them. It was pretty fuckin good.
Sunday I rode the bike 25 miles, just no time to make the whole 30 so far. Then I did the car wash and wax thing, and put together a load of pots to take to a shop here in town for sale.
I also fought, and won, my battle with Chase, sweet talked my housekeeper into coming with me to the new place, bought chairs for the new deck, made the appt with the movers for the 30th, and had breakfast Sunday with my friend C.
But! It's monday and I'm back to the daily. HAD to share the calendar though.
Have a good week.