Talk about flattering? I'm getting offers from my age! Of course, they're all my age too, which is best, but it's still surprising. I have to wonder if it's not the cowboy thing.
The idea is amusing to me. A bike riding,pottery making,cowboy college prof who's about to be 51, getting cruised. How fun! We'll see what comes of all this, but it's flattering in any case.BTW the wind has stopped. There WILL be a long ride this afternoon.
I was reading
Proceedatyourownrisk this morning and Richard is back on the warpath about Brandon McInerney. I agree with him that the child should be tried as a juvenile and treated as a victim in this whole tragedy. But what I'd like to see is the identification and prosecution of the adult who let this child think such things were ever possible. That's who should be on trial here.
Hillary Clinton is still refusing to concede the nomination, which I like. Win or lose, it's important, I think, that she stay in until the convention, just to remind all of those who think she's causing trouble in the party that this time is for exactly what she's doing! The primary season is for us to decide who the nominee will be AT THE CONVENTION!!! Not in May, or June, but AT THE CONVENTION IN AUGUST!!!
It won't hurt you to wait. She may stay in until August, she may quit in June we won't know until we know, but let it play out.
McCain is the presumptive nominee because all the other Republican losers have conceded that he will be their guy. I think they think that there will be a Democrat in the White House this time next year largely because of what the current asshole has wrought. So why not run this loser who can't possibly win.
Think Truman.
What if I'm correct? What if the unthinkable happens? What if enough bigots, and there is no shortage, come out of their hidey-holes and vote for McCain, just to be sure the black guy doesn't get in? If that happens we are SCREWED! What if the "base" decides that they can support this septuagenarian after all! What if enough of those old-guard republicans who are too senile to realize that their party has been hijacked and no longer represents what it used to,(and they're out there, my adoptive father is a case in point.) and they pull the R lever, or punch the R chad, out of habit?
It seems no one is taking this guy seriously and he's running for President! We're all so wrapped up in getting rid of Hillary that we're not watching the crazy old fool who's lurking in the shadows,rubbing his talons together and laughing maniacally. Let the process run its course.
We need to think about what we wish for, because in this case we just might get it.