Of course, I have no choice bt to make it to tomorrow afternoon and the beginning of my much needed vacation.
Today is commencement at the college...which, from a purely faculty standpoint... absolutely sucks.
It's longer and more tedious than when you're sitting in the audience because you know MAYBE two of these people, and them only in a vague sort of way. So you sit there and schmooze with your fellow faculty members, whom you also know in a vague sort of way because everyone is always in the classroom.
But mercifully it's over today and I can get on with vacating my life.
Gas is on it's way up for the annual holiday screwing we American's expect and somehow tolerate.
I'll be doing my part to contribute to the coffers of those poor destitute oil companies. I hope they can make it this quarter on the 8-900 billion the manage to scrape by with.
Sent an application off to a school in the North Woods today. I'm not kidding, this joint is truly in the north woods according to mapquest. There's very little there except this school and a bunch of national parks. Oh and Lake Superior about 50 miles away. I imagine it's cold there. I imagine it snows there.
BUT! There appear to be gay people. There's all kinds of things on the internet when I googled the area. Odd isn't it? Organics all I'm certain, Gods love 'em.
We'll see how interested they are. There are only 19 jobs in my field on the Chronicle for higher education website this week,and very few of those are in my discipline. I'd imagine they have their pick of candidates.
But hope springs eternal. I could have probably paid off my student loans with all the dough I've spent looking for a job.
I swore off several of my old blogs recently. Some because they kept getting more into pop culture, which doesn't interest me very much, and some because they kept getting more implausible the more I read. I have to wonder how many of these people use the blogosphere to exercise their writerly fantasies and how much of what they write is pure fiction.
You can't challenge them without direct evidence cause you risk the wrath of the crazies. And they may well be crazy. I got involved with one of those once and learned my lesson very well. No thanks I'll just stop reading rather than challenge a potential nutcase.
Well, it's obvious to me that I have little of interest to say today so here's the Thursday morsel.