I may have said this before, but I truly believe that there is another civil war coming in this country. That the internal struggle to define our country is still not over, perhaps will never be over.
This time though it's going to be a crusade. It'll be a holy war carried out by those totally committed to their cause and with complete conviction that their beliefs are the right ones.
I think it's going to be the evangelicals against the gays.(yes, I've succumbed to the popular notion that gay is a damn noun) And God only knows who would win that one.
I keep seeing more and ore evidence that this country is full of ignorant bigots. I mean, I always knew that on some level, but I don't think I realized that it exists to the extent that it does.
Just this week we have several examples of this controversy, Colorado State Sentor Scott Renfroe waxed poetic about his views that gay sex=murder and neither should be legalized. Utah State Senator Chris Buttars refers to homosexuals in these terms "...They're probably the greatest threat to America going down I know of."
And just in case we hadn't had a weekly does of race prejudice we have the ignorant mayor of Los Alamitas who thinks watermelon hunt jokes are funny. He'll be resigning on Monday, but that doesn't solve the problem. The problem is that these people are ignorant bigots. If they'll make public jokes about Black President's. WHAT do they say about fags? Seriously. I can only imagine. I realize that Los Alamitos is a little shit stain of a community in the middle of Orange County and that the opinions of those airheads amounts to little, but don't forget that there's money in Orange County and money means influence.
But the few isolated incidents we hear about are only the tips of the iceberg. White people have kept themselves completely cut off from black people, and most prefer it that way.And PLEASE don't tell me that some of your best friends are black. I just got that speech from some ignorant kid the other day. he thought the best way to relate to me would be to tell me that he has a really good friend who used to be his neighbor and he calls the guy Princess. I was speechless. Through this disconnect people therefore make completely baseless and rash generalizations and perpetuate stupid and degrading stereotypes and a lot of these people have been elected to LEAD!!!!
This is why I think that there is a war a comin'. I think with the hatred and the bigotry and the lack of money and jobs and housing, that George W. Bush has set the stage for the people to rise up and remove white folks from power. That the craziness that has been simply accepted as normal for us white people is what will be our undoing. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
In fact Chris Rock said it in an HBO special I saw recently. "George Bush has made it tough for the white man to be President." He went on to describe how badly the guy fucked things up, and he was absolutely right. Funny, but right.
They've managed to mess with the one thing that makes everyone funny...their money.
The civil war of the 21st Century will be anything but funny.