I had to come back and spiff this post up with a little levity. Thanks to Daniel, the-guy-no-longer-in-the-desert for the pic of Benny and his "Bitchin'Pimp Hat."
Another Catholic tradition comes smacking down on my head. Limbo, it's where I'm living. We'll see if dear old mom has the courage to call or write.
I have decided to write my autobiography though. I mean seriously that last 50 years have been way too interesting to just pass off without being chronicled. And I'm naming names dammit!
So look for "The Love-child of Perfect Village." in stores near you. Of course, I have to write it. And then find a publisher. And then deal with editors. And galleys. And Proofs.
Ok, well look for it in stores in about four years.
Today I'm a student, tomorrow I'm a teacher. No, literally, today I start pottery class, and then tomorrow I start teaching my classes.
It's been so long coming it's now an anti-climax.
Sorry for the gray mood, I was promised snow today. All we got was rain.
Methaphors, bah humbug.