The stupid issue that I've been raving about for months has reared it's ugly head again. I finally told them I refuse to discuss it anymore, just make it stop.
I emailed the stables to keep in touch. no response. See these people are like this;
They're all friendly horse people and all that. Right up until it comes time to be honest with you. Then they're evasive and exhibit avoidance behaviors. AND they're all run by this guy with COPD whose moods are incredibly labile and who NEEDS a scapegoat. This year I'm pretty sure it's going to be me.
I hope to get out there this weekend, or possibly next if it rains tomorrow like they say it will. And I'll be interested to see the reception I get. I'd wager it's a cold one.
anyway, I've already looked into and made an appt with another stables this Saturday. We'll see how it works out. I really want to learn these new training techniques I'm investigating and to do that I need to find a new place anyway.
But screw that it's 70 degrees and I need to go out and play.
I think I'll start with a morsel.