Which is not to say I'd like to fuck Colin Farrell. In fact the opposite is true. I was just forced to lay here with this miserable cold I apparently contracted while riding my bike in the chill the other day, and watch Alexander. What a piece of shit.
Has this guy EVER been in a watchable movie? S.W.A.T.? Miami Vice? oh, wait, I know! That tribute to overacting....."Ask the Dust" which surprisingly was worse than Alexander.
How does this guy keep working? I am still looking for a movie with him in it to be worth my time. It amazes me.
Well I hope this cold starts to get better quick because we still have some finish work to do on the christmas in october house this weekend and I promised I'd be there.
Also I apparently have been offered a job to teach an intro class this spring, so woohoo! Teaching experience. Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm, but it's hard to get interested in much today.
I was listening to some guy this morning on Democracy Now who apparently volunteers to travel the world and do humanitarian work. I felt like a selfish slug. But I think that's what the item was meant to do.
Well it's obviously nap time.
To borrow a phrase, "Come stick pins tomorrow dear, I'll be more responsive."