Last night late it hit me again, achy, sore, chilled...shit!
But I feel a little better this morning. Let's hope this will subside soon. I know I'm run-down, but damn.
I also know I'm 52 so...fuck.
But I have nothing to do today so I'll rest a lot and maybe hike a little and probably sleep a lot. That should do the trick, and it truly is what I need.
The university decided it had a minor crisis yesterday that they needed to call me about, which I couldn't help them with. But it seemed to make them feel better so I was glad I could do what I did. Don't they know it's a holiday?
Anyway, I'm vacating, there's nothing much to tell.
Oh! the Vatican has learned, form it's own report that there is no "causal connection between homosexual identity and the sexual abuse of minors" (payor)
They haven't commented. You gotta admire the consistency of their hypocrisy.
Congress is still debating whether and how to create jobs. I'd need to research it but I'm sure the New Deal in the 1930's was killed by the Supremes for some constitutional reason, but damn if it didn't put millions to work. With all the things we need that can and should be done at the federal level I'd think there'd be a way to make that happen if they'd out their minds to it instead of introducing resolutions to commemorate Confucious'2560th birthday. Or to fight health care reform. Stone age thinking.
And so it goes:
