I'll be faculty. But as my tarot cards said just yesterday morning I found I got what I needed but not what I wanted.
It'll do.
I'm still leaning toward the idea of working for myself. I mean seriously, shouldn't I, at long last, take the fact that I cannot manage to keep a full time job as the sign it likely is? Signs are way too subtle for me. It only took me 30 years to figure that out.
So, though this gives me the breathing room I need, if it doesn't choke me in the process, it doesn't give me what I'm looking for.
So the search continues.
So since I was lucky enough to be able to spend the morning in the studio making pots, and with the rain falling on the roof and that lump of clay going round...and round...and round...
I'm ready for a nap.
Rainy day morsel:
