So all this posturing and wailing and g-nashing of teeth my colleagues are doing today is for naught. And to tell the truth it's on my nerves a bit. Yes, it's flattering that they find my departure "devastating" and that their plans and wishes are being dashed, but this situation is what it is. In truth...I'm already gone.
So we have to have a little ghetto drama on my way out the door. And we KNOW how much I love drama.
I'll elaborate more later right now I gotta go somewhere...anywhere, but outta here for a while, until they all calm down.
ok, well it apparently occurred to my colleagues last night that my departure was imminent. This, along with the knowledge (usually sometime in mid-september) that school is in session, and that the budget is frozen (always in late may) seems to hvae made the list of annual surprises they come to be aware of all too late.
They mean well, they're a nice bunch of people for the most part, and they've certainly been good to me on more than one occasion.
This last ditch effort to sway the opinion of those in power is simply a waste of time.
(they've all gone em masse (there are 4 of them)to the director and told him that my position should be changed to another classification so I can stay)
Um, folks!! There is no fucking money for that or anything else! Who else would you see go in my stead? Seriously, if the powers were to even consider your request, then someone else HAS to go.
I think it's flattering, I think it's very commendable of them, and most of all I wish they'd asked me before proceeding.
I left! I left last week. I'm still sitting here in my office blogging as I do almost every day, but I am NOT HERE!!!!
And BTW I sooo wish they'd stop dissolving into tears when I say goodbye to them. It's getting embarrassing.
C'est la vie is the phrase for the day. Let's all pack up our tools and baggage and stuff and go home now. It was fun for while, but it's done.
Let's look at some hot guys a while instead.
Here's a morsel to consider:

(title="Events are the teachers of fools.")