I'm caving to pressure here, I don't normally observe World AIDS day, it's just a little too much for me. But someone made a good point, and I've chosen to honor those I've known and lost to it.
To them I need to say, Thank you for being part of my life, and know that I miss you every day.

I almost forgot to post the most important item today. It's our last visit to the freaking amazing 2008 ancient egyptian popup calendar. Which, by the way, I still love. I guess I'm going to have to find one myself and buy it for 2009.
Thanks Prince, I loved it! Most fun calendar ever.
"There were celebrations over the weekend in rural Ariel, Wash., to recall the country's most famous unsolved hijacking. Thirty-seven years ago, a man known as D.B. Cooper seized a jetliner, received a ransom and parachuted out somewhere over southwest Washington. He disappeared along with most of the $200,000 in cash." NPR.ORG
I heard this story this morning on NPR on the way in. I think the funniest take on the whole thing was what I call the trans theory.
It goes like this:
D.B. was a woman who had gender reassignment surgery, carried out the hijacking as a man, parachuted into the wilderness, changed clothes to be a woman again and simply walked out without question.
I'm sorry, I really tried to come up with witty quips for this one, but...well...come on.
Last week was wonderful. Rode everyday except Saturday and Sunday because the weather SUCKED both days. I'm hoping for better weather this weekend.
Made a bunch of pots. And as I wrote that I realized I forgot to cover that pot currently on the wheel drying for trimming. Oops.
I really started to get into the nap thing. THAT invention was just for me I swear.
This morning a set of Ken Russell DVD's were in my mailbox when I got to work. I was reminded of this guy I went to college with who had a minor part in Crimes of Passion so I looked him up to be sure I still remembered it correctly. I did, but when I read his message board I saw several messages from people who went to college with him trying to get his email address. By the other names this person dropped in their message I knew them too!
Is it me or is this odd?
I didn't dislike this guy, but we weren't close, and I have no real interest in tracking down someone I knew for a few months almost 30 years ago in some...what... some attempt to renew acquaintance? I'd think we're very different people by now at our age.
I don't know, it just seems a little creepy to me.