So here you go K!
I remember once you said something to the effect that Andrew Shue was the most handsome guy on Television. Can't say I disagree.
Sadly Melrose Place was almost always a disappointment. They teased you with the notion that these guys would at least be shirtless and then...nada. I gave up long before they blew the joint up.
Well happy Birthday K! I know you worked, but I hope you plan to have some fun this weekend. I do.
Since MY birfday is Monday I'm going to spend Saturday morning at the stables riding as much as I can. Then it's lunch with my brother and dinner with J and K. Sunday it's brunch with C and Dinner is my treat to me. I'm going to my favorite steak house in all the world and eating like a pig. Monday is lunch with oldflame and then my annual first 35 mile bike ride of the season. Tuesday I'm taking a vacation day to just hang out. I am 51 after all, we need to rest after activity occasionally.
But today I'm dealing with parking garage issues. The garage we park in is on the verge of falling down, so in order to avoid any more detritus landing on us the city in it's infinite wisdom has decided to tear it down instead of repairing it. According to the cryptic email we got from our director yesterday we're pretty much on our own when it comes to solving the resulting parking dilemma.
Another caring gesture from our fearless leaders. I feel all warm and runny inside.
Happy Hot Guy Friday!