At least the weather is agreeable. I haven't had the a/c on in a week, and since it's the middle of July in KC that's a big deal.
I recruited a student last night. This woman I work with at the grocery apparently is also a student at the college where I teach. She asked me about one of my classes which she has to take, and said she dropped it when she took it from my dept chair. He does require quite bit more than I do. To me it seems excessive from non-majors, especially when they usually already have jobs and families, and we wind up with 17 ushers because that's the only way they can satisfy their required crew hrs. Too much I say. Make 'em study and do stuff and they'll learn more than if you require them to do busy work.
So I've decided to talk to a lawyer about gender discrimination at the old job. It's a tough one to prove, but if we can provide my former employer with at least a modicum of aggravation, then mission accomplished I say. Don't get me wrong, they did it, I was passed over for a volunteer story telling position and it was given to an old woman who ran everyone off and the program failed. I inquired as to how my 30 years of experience in all forms of theatre, and my Master's degree in said field could have possibly disqualified me for the job.(for which they never interviewed me) They said "It wasn't a man thing, S." I tend to disbelieve them to this day.
I wasn't interviewed for a PR job that I was imminently qualified for, yet they hired a woman no one wound up liking and she got booted the same day I did. I also never had an evaluation for the entire 5 years I worked there. I was so discouraged that I didn't apply for the Humanities Coordinator job, for which I was also imminently qualified, except this one they added the need for a Master's degree in Library Science. Tricky legal way around interviewing the guy with a Master's degree in something else. The woman they hired for the job didn't seem to do much after she got it. Certainly nothing I ever saw, and my job heavily involved circulation. So it was a puzzle really.
It seemed that all men were there for was to lift and tote, and do technical stuff. Oh, we could man the desks for $7.50 and hour...if we could afford it. But creative stuff, admin stuff, public stuff...nada.
So, we'll see what this guy says, I doubt there's much of a case, but I can ask, it doesn't cost anything, and this woman I know who just went through layoffs 101 says I should talk to him. Nothing ventured I guess.
I read today that Congress removed funding for the F-22, which was the main reason that Obama had stated he'd veto the defense spending bill if ti came to his desk. i mention this for two reasons. First, because this is the very same bill to which they've attached the Matthew Shepard hate crimes bill which seems never to make it into law, and second it's also the bill to which the Senate has attached an amendment to allow those who carry concealed weapons to be able to take them across state lines.
I don't know about the latter, it smacks of the old west of our fantasies to me. I'm not sure I want some old Republican walking around with a gun in his belt, makes me more nervous than if he's just walking around. I'm not in any way a gun control advocate, we should be able to own them and to use them responsibly, though I'd never, unless it were necessary, go out and shoot something to eat, but still it's a right we're guaranteed by the constitution and it shouldn't be messed with. We've always had a faction in which guns are a way of life, and though I've never hung out with them I get their point, they want to do what they want and if they can't then we're infringing on their right to do so. Weeel, yes...BUT!
So that debate rages on,and on,and on...and I find that I might have to actually go and see Bruno so I know what I'm talking about if and when I condemn it. That will be difficult. I'm already against the idea of the movie to begin with, and to have to pay money to see this guy do his schtick. I can't honestly enter the debate over the value of it's satire without seeing it though, can I? (now is a good time to tell me yes I can so I don't have to see this thing)
Ah the life of a pedant, how taxing it can be.
Last night I came to the realization I need to get into the savings next month to make ends meet, I think. That SUCKS.
Rob Brezny of Freewill Astrology says I'm totally ready to "exult and bask in the simple joys."
Well, yeah, that's all I can afford anymore.
Speaking of simple joys:

He looks pretty simple to me...or is that easy. Well, either way...