Then the phone rang.
It was the college asking me to sub for my boss who is out of town on an emergency. Talk about going with the flow. This week has suddenly gotten very busy.
Oh! And remember last week when I said that the dean had called a meeting at the University and it was either "you're doing a great job" or "Get out?"
Well it was neither, but closer to the latter than the former. They're shutting down our major NOW, and we're now a minor. This isn't really catastrophic tome, I wasn't planning to stay there forever anyway, but it's hassle enough. we get to put together the proposal for the 18 hr minor we'll be teaching and still have a production schedule. There are some who are upset. I would just prefer not to have to devise a new program going in the wrong direction, which we have to do like it or not. So though we're not losing our jobs we're most certainly moving in the wrong direction. We do have a while to digest this though, we're apparently obligated to teach out anyone already in the program. Hmmm, employment for another three years, how comforting.
Anyway, I have someone else's classes to prepare for...AAAAARGH!!!
And so it goes:
