So, I'm back to meditating and preparing to get through another day. I'm discovering that I have to develop some sort of a plan for getting things done or else there will be a lot of napping going on. Which is nice, but sadly doesn't generate any money.
It's threatening rain this morning and I'm waiting for it to clear a bit before taking off on the bike. After that it's sitting down at the wheel and making pots the rest of the day. Discipline, discipline, discipline. now I know why the cat-o-nine-tails was invented.
Mea Culpa.
I need new jeans. Shopping used to be something I looked forward to. Now it's a chore that makes me spend money.
Ah well.
I'm mad about being forced to buy health insurance. I'm mad about the lack of action on the hate crimes bill. I'm mad that Bruno is making money by making fun of queers. We've been made quite enough fun of thank you very much. (yes, I know it's satire, it doesn't help educate the ignorant who believe what they're told though. They like being preached too so fucking much then let's give 'em what they want.) I'm mad too that President Obama is touting his new plan to get $12 billion to community colleges, without any hint of just who is going to teach these classes, and where they're going to do it. The educated among us are being reduced to a league of truck drivers with churning minds. Shit, I'd drive a truck if it'd get me outta here. Sadly, the department of education may never get their money back that way. Too fucking bad.
It's Wednesday and I have no real desire to go back to work...ever. Seems like too much effort for absolutely no return. Thankfully I am required to be in attendance at the grocery this evening so I can't sit down and have that gin and tonic I'd love to have at 5. It sounds like a good idea in theory, it's a slippery slope I fear.
I have decided that there will be money spent in September to get that TEFL certificate. Maybe I can find work outside of the country. It won't, of course, be the panacea I have always envisioned, but it'll be a new adventure and GODS know I need one of them.
Speaking of adventures:

I believe the term is "baby got back!"