A gay-bashing raid in Fort Worth Texas! I wasn't ignoring it, I just wasn't terribly taken aback by it. It didn't surprise or shock me when I heard about what they did, and when they did it. We all know they were well damn aware what date it was, and they were sending a message that got through loud and clear. "We don't want you fags here." Hell, I knew that before the raid. I'm sure the fags with the audacity to have a bar with a rainbow sign out there in full public view is more than enough to rouse the ire of Texas rednecks by the dozen.

Scary bunch huh?
We are not loved by the redneck fag-hating populace, and we never will be. At least not in my lifetime. This should come as no surprise to anyone. The total lack of a response to this incident from Austin, from the White House, and from our arbiter of all things gay, the HRC, who can't even say out loud they're a gay organization, speak volumes.
We've been hung out to dry folks.
Should we expect that a President who would allow such an occurrence without at minimum a rebuke from the White House to jump at the chance to sigh the Matthew Shepard Act, or repeal DOMA, or push ENDA through congress?
No we shouldn't. And we'd be realistic to remember that too.
Sarah Palin. God am I really talking about HER?
We'd also be wise to remember that George W. Bush was only good at one thing, misdirection.
He could prestidigitate with the best of the old timey snake oil salesmen. He'd hold up his left hand and wave it around and tell us what wonderful things he was going to do for us. And all the while with the right he was fucking us with a limber prod. And we kept going back for more, like a little twink slut in heat.
She's up to something I guarantee you.
It might be a grab for money. She might be after that slice of the pie she's needing to pay all those legal fees she's incurred from being a manipulative power-abusing bitch. It might be that she is misguided enough to think that she wouldn't fracture the Republican party enough to get all her ultra-conservative neo-cons to run out and support her, splitting the party badly enough to render it ineffective for decades. Not necessarily a bad thing.
But I think the intention is quite a bit more nefarious in her case. She's not a good person folks, not a good one at all. I suggest she be observed very carefully from a distance.
I'm growing increasingly less fond of Americans. They're presumptuous, they're selfish, they're so self-involved they're entitlement is showing, and they take responsibility for nothing. In many ways I'm ashamed to be one of them.
And yes I'd leave if I could find a way to make it possible. But everyone else has made it so hard to become a citizen of their country that it's damn near impossible for a regular joe to get outta here.
So welcome to the first week post-4th of July. We're still in the same mess we were in last month, we just took a pause to celebrate the shambles we've made of what started out to be a really great idea.
Speaking of taking a pause to celebrate.
