I have always thought Don Cheadle is handsome. He's a noteworthy contribution to our celebration of Black history month. The second guy is no slouch either, if you like that outrageously hot, outdoorsy, wildly cut, surly kinda thing...ooh I gotta stop!
But enough of the frivolity. I'm sadly not stunned or even surprised that a 15 year old kid was shot in the head because he's gay the other day.
What I want to know is when are we going to wake up and understand that kids are kids, they simply do not yet have the capacity to understand and rationalize that they will as adults. The shooter, at his age, is only imitating what he's seen, and reacting to what someone has taught him. When are we going to stop teaching our children to hate?
I've been "the family friend who we love because he's always been around and we love him even though he's gay." But I've seen those same people exhibit hate for gay people and I was through with them. They never seemed to understand their hypocrisy.
And where are all these guns that kids can get ahold of? I'm 50 and I don't own a gun! I wouldn't even know where to get one? I assume there are stores where one can buy a gun, but the process,as I understand it takes days for background checks, and you have to be a certain age. This kid is 14 or 15 and he has a gun? What kind of idiot gives a kid that age a gun?
I now understand why we need to defend marriage and safeguard the family in America by preventing gays from marrying and adopting. They might fuck up the stellar umblemished record of all these straight people who reproduce because it's a biological function, not because they have anything to contribute.
China may have been onto something when they started controlling the ability of their citizenry to reproduce.
Lawrence King, no matter what he wore to school, no matter how gay he acted, no matter what the other kids thought about him, did not deserve to die. And Brandon McInerney deserved to be taught better than to solve a dispute with a gun, but he wasn't.
Stop right now and think about these kids for a minute...think about your own kid if you have one, and how you'd feel if someone just blew their head off because they didn't like something about them.
Now what are you going to do about it?
And don't just act locally either.