Banks, whom we bailed out to the tune of several trillion dollars are posting a profit. Headlines everywhere these last few days say the worst may be over ( I personally doubt that) and yet the most popular barometer of our economies health, the Dow, fluctuates like my boyfriends ability to commit. One day it’s up, the next it falls precipitously.
And to top all this off, we, the working public get to take it …and take it…and take it.
I know people who have worked for organizations for 10-15 years who are unceremoniously escorted to the door.
I know people who they’ve worked with the entire time, unwilling to even talk to them en route, because that’s what they were instructed to do.
I know George Bush and Dick Cheney’s cries of “Be Afraid” didn’t go unheeded.
A lot of the people getting the ax are just short of retirement. Could this possibly be coincidence? I doubt that.
People who’ve worked their entire lives and are about to realize the fruits of their efforts, stopped short in their tracks and told, “Retirement? Um, no, not for you. The American Dream? Well, we think we’ll reserve it for ourselves thank you anyway. And good luck out there.”
They’ll need it. The older worker has the least chance of recovering from such a direct hit. They have no time!!! They’re on the cusp of retirement, they’re winding down their working years and they’re getting screwed without warning.
I cannot understand why they’re appearing to rollover instead of taking to the streets and demanding fair and equitable treatment.
Those cheap kids you’ve kept on the payroll Mr. Employer, could fare much better out there. They have time, they have youth, they have the resilience to survive.
What you’re doing is creating an unemployed, or underemployed, destitute lower class of senior workers who will be unable to maintain any semblance of their lifestyle in their later years. And in the end you’ve accomplished nothing. Your short-sightedness will have put you, the businessman, and major taxpayer, on the hook for all the food stamps, all the Medicaid and Medicare, and all the welfare that they’ll have to receive just to survive.
Those bullshit faith-based initiatives that Obama ill-advisedly continued will now be feeding and clothing the poor seniors you’ve created. And you’ll be paying for it anyway.
How, in taking away their dignity did you figure come out on top?
This is all the stuff revolutions are made of. And I truly hope they do take to the streets.
Shame on us.