Love this guy. He's probably 90 now if he's still with us. But I see in this photo that he was practicing for his old age with those pants up so high.
I suffered through this morning at work, participating in what I call Hostage day. It's the annual exercise we undertake to impart knowledge to each other, which almost always fails, as it did today. It's the one day we're not allowed to leave the office, and the administration is humorless about the whole thing as usual. It's called Inservice, I think it's indentured servitude. But this afternoon we're allowed to "learn on our own" lol. I'm blogging my little butt off.
In doing so I have discovered that I am a prude. No I never thought of myself as such, and I certainly have spent a lot of time in my life disproving such an idea, however, I find it to be undeniably true. I just stumbled across a site called the 2007 gaybloggies. hmmm.
The nominees were required to divulge a secret about themselves they'd never mentioned on their blogs. AND THEY DID!!! I was appalled. Not at the actual secrets themselves, most of them were pretty harmless, except when Richard Rothstein admitted he managed to lose his connection to comps at Lincoln Center, that was nice and dishy. But the rest. Harumph I say! Either you queens need to get out there and sin correctly, or you need to be more forthcoming when asked a good question. Your confessions were lame! Lame I tell you!
But the lack of depth in the nominees indiscretions aside I find that I am appalled when men my age (50) expose their pubes on the Internet. Or at all in public really. I mean, who wants to see that? Gray-ness. no! not for me. I don't want to even look in the mirror when I am naked and I certainly don't want you showing me yours. If I ask, then that's another matter. If it's unsolicited, you're asking for it.
This all came about when I noticed one of the nominees for a gaybloggie was exposing his own pubes. Well, that's fine, they're his and he's probably all of 25 anyway, he may as well. It seems the genetics of Americans has devolved to the point that all men have in the way of body hair these days is their pubes anyway, that and the inexplicable little wisp below their navels,so they may as well show us their pubic hair. But I am becoming a firm believer in the need for men my age to hold some dignity in this world and I draw the line at the pubis.
This weekend I found an offer from an gay "social networking" site in my email, and I accepted. WHAT WAS I THINKING??? There are extremely good reasons most of these men are single at our age. Most of them have such poor social skills they're not allowed out of the house. This was evidenced by the number of naked shots of men in their 50's. WTF guys?
Yes there are those of us who are blessed by genetics and a good personal trainer. But they are not in the majority. Hell there are men in their 20's and 30's who shouldn't be showing all on the internet. But seniors, though we need to be seen as sexual beings as well, need to find some dignity too. Naked on Manhunt ain't the place boys.
I am in an easy position when it comes to this question. I work in education, and as we all know those of us in education who are found to have naked pics of themselves on the internet aren't in education very long. So the point is moot for me. I may be fool-ish at times, but I am no fool. No naked pics of me for the masses to suffer. I certainly don't need to come to work and find the image of my genitalia has been downloaded by the students. No, I think not.
So, though I am always searching for Mr. Right, and I always welcome Mr. Right now. I'll at least try to keep those things private. Perhaps Gay Senior Citizens Dignity is a website I should start up.
Good luck to all the gaybloggies nominees. Keeping one of these going is quite a job and to be successful at it is really an accomplishment.