It's cold as hell here at night in NM. 15 last night(brr), but it's supposed to get better by 1 or 2. I hope so, I hate hiking in the bitter cold and we're going out around then. The dogs are like "Are you out of your fucking minds? I'm not staying out here! I pee'd now let me back in!"
So here all comfy cozy in our little cabin I'll say my thanks.
And I am grateful for:
My friends worldwide, who think of me, communicate with me, and support me always.
The remainder of my "family" that wishes to include me and keeps me close.
The knowledge that I've created a family of my own that cares about me and I them.
The benefits my education has brought me. The job at the University is far from perfect, but it's going to reap benefits in the end, and that's a good thing.
Being a teacher.
My health. I always mention it and as long as it hangs in there I will continue to do so.
My home. I'm lucky to have a place I am comfortable in and in which I can stay a long time if I choose to.
Being a potter. I've had some pretty great breakthroughs this year and that makes me happy. I should thank Keith D. Smith for bringing that to me many years ago. I put it down for a while but it kept coming back to me and I'm glad I heeded it's insistence.
Knowing horses. I learn something from them every day.
Being gay. That I think has taught me that I am part of something larger, and I am duty-bound to pay back what I've been given. It's a gift we shouldn't overlook.
Being loved. That's a very lucky thing indeed. I did my best to prevent it for a long time.
Finally understanding that to be something, or to claim something you simply have to start doing it.
Living now. This time, this moment, this era.
So be Safe, be healthy, be happy...and be grateful for what you have.
And so it goes:
