Gustav is here. Well, what's left of him is here anyway. And there's plenty to go around trust me. I think Chicago is next, and though I pity them their weekend weather I will be Sooo glad it's gone. I was going to my first baseball game in a while last night and they were rained out. It was rescheduled for this afternoon, well great, I have to work this afternoon. So no baseball for me for a while yet.
I'm afraid at this point that I might be rained out for the weekend, that would suck. Especially since I just got a new saddle and I want to start breaking it in asap.
I tried to watch Ms. Palin last night, but I just couldn't watch the whole thing. What's up with the bridge to nowhere? She was for it before she was against it? I just wish politicians would get up there and say "Hey, here's what we're trying to do, and here are the ways we've tried to work it out. It's not gonna happen. We just can't make it work this time." But no they're determined to belittle the other guy, exaggerate their own accomplishments, and mislead the people into thinking their opponent is incompetent or worse. Just tell me what's going on and let me make up my mind please.
I have been told I'm getting older and that I need to step aside and let the next generation step up and lead. Fuck that! I'm part of this process too and if they want to get involved then come on in. But don't show me the door cause I'm older. The process is supposed to be for everyone. Obviously I don't agree with the person who told me to step aside.
I'm looking for a blast from the past for tomorrow's Hot Guy Friday post. Those of you who grew up when I did will remember him from tv and if you were a little gay boy in that era you'll remember his fuzzy lttle chest...his co-star's too for that matter. So, until tomorrow.