My question would be, "Do you think that's possible without upheaval and revolution given the current climate?"
I don't.
I see a bunch of fat white Christian people standing up and proclaiming loudly that they got theirs and they're not sharing.
I see a bunch of people who want to do the right thing, yet they're so inept that they seem bent on doing it in the wrong way creating havoc for everyone.
I see a bunch of ideologues and pundits cheering their side on to ruin.
Last night I had two interesting conversations. The first had to do with hopefulness. This guy said he believed we seldom practiced hopefulness and I totally disagree.
If I had no hope that things could improve I'd never get out of bed, I'd just give up and run.
I'm broke, my employer sucks ass and among many other insults has no intention of paying me for another 4 weeks. I will end up filing bankruptcy, I'll likely lose the job cause I can't seem to tolerate this bullshit, I want to move to New Mexico and be where I really want to live, yet I allow all this other shit to get in the way. But I am hopeful that I can straighten all this out and move in due time.
I am hopeful.
The other conversation had to do with change. I fear it will only come with the historical upheaval we've witnessed elsewhere, and this time I don't think it'll end with the hippies all becoming real estate agents and stock brokers. This time I think there'll be bloodshed.
I am hopeful that on this count I am wrong, but I'm not.
I think that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi et al have the right idea when they try to institute health care for everyone in the U.s. but I believe they've no idea how to go about it. I think instead of using the sneaky backhanded nasty ways of their predecessors (which hateful though they may have been worked for their purposes)they're trying to let everyone see what they're doing and that makes them naive.
I think they can accomplish what they set out to do as long as their initial argument was a long way off from what they're really after so it looks like a compromise to get what they really want. I think that if they make their opponents think they've won a great victory by giving us what we want then they'll succeed.
I informed the Dean and my other boss last night that I am through accepting the responsibility for walking around campus with a cup hollering "Alms for the poor!" so I can get money for this set, and that I am turning the responsibility for the acquisition of funds over to them. We'll see if I'm still employed there by noon. Since they conned me into taking a job that was doomed from the start and never intended to be honest about any of it I doubt I'd be missing much by not being there.
However, I am still hopeful.
And so it goes:
