I, on the other hand, simply see it as an opportunity to do something else. Perhaps something I like better. Something I might have been rained for maybe? (I rave sometimes,forgive me)At any rate it's going to happen, and we can all look at it as something that's devastating, or we can look at it as just another change in our lives.
I don't always give up easily on things, and in my youth when I had all that energy to spare I could hang onto something like a dog with a bone for YEARS!!! I just don't see the percentage in it anymore.
It's over, donewith, gone. Take what you learned from it and use it somewhere else.
Of course they're taking their time about all this. They're telling the managers and making them do the dirty work, which sucks for the managers, but at least we'll know.
My cohort M just came back from vacation this morning and I updated him on the doings around here. He finds it as amusing as I do. at least I have someone around now who can talk to me and not look at the floor while doing so.
I calculated that I have 12 sick days left this year. I figure I can be "sick" (cough hack sniffle) MWF every week in July. How fun is that?
So here's to the future. Let's hope it's not as bleak as the economic pundits would have us believe.
And to stave off that separation anxiety let's have a little morsel: