I sleep when I want to, I work when I want to, I wonder how long I can make this last. It's very nice.
Today is a pretty free day, so I'm riding my bike about 20 miles, I'm making some more pitchers since I killed almost all of the last batch, and I'm making some calls. I have to work out, and I am going to think seriously about where to spend a week the first of the month, since that appears to be the only time I'll have for a vacation for a while.
I'm thinking of declaring a moratorium on my "Love" sign off and asking where the hell is the hate crimes bill instead for a while, or at least until there's a vote one way or the other. That thing just cannot get made into law and I don't understand why. And please don't try to tell me that here is much more important legislation that needs their attention cause though there may be, there really isn't and if they get so little done in a week maybe we should look at re-working their system. We can do that you know.
ENDA is being debated endlessly, and I could find the hate crimes bill nowhere on the congress website, well not exactly true, but it certainly didn't figure prominently on their schedule.
I heard a piece on NPR last week in which it all came clear, this budget mess in California. Arnold, it seems, is holding them hostage. I don't pretend to understand all the ins and outs of it all, mostly because it's indecipherable anyway, but I do know that privatizing one of the most beautiful states in the union is NOT the answer, and that seems to be the way California is leaning. The taxpayers can sustain the parks and the welfare rolls and the pensioners and meet their obligations in regard to the environment without selling their history and natural resources. That's the easy way out, and we all look for that don't we?
The costs of the health care bill are concerning me, I am , and have been pretty much convinced all along that the plan is to require me to buy health insurance, which I can ill afford anymore, much like I'm required to carry liability insurance, providing the insurance companies with a legislated guarantee of an income stream while not guaranteeing mine at all. This is all making me such a socialist.
We need single payer and we need it now so everyone is insured.
I commented on a piece in a local paper regarding the budget crisis that cost me my job last month and the response by a Republican commenter made me laugh. It was something to the effect that the very people who supported Obama were responsible for the local mess, and the "Obama" bailout was what ruined our economy.
I was forced to respond and remind the man that the bailout legislation was signed into law by George W. Bush on October 13, 2008, almost a full month before Obama was elected, so I failed to see how the two, except in the deluded minds of a lot of Republicans, can be related. He managed to cobble together some half-assed response about how they all throw our money around, but the wind was clearly out of his sails. Which was not my aim at all, I just felt compelled to hold him to the rules of that particular board which stated "keep it honest and factual," and the facts are that Obama did not approve the bailout. Maybe someone in the administration will get a blow job, and then they can have something to really sink their teeth into for another decade.
I have no objection to the Republican party and their precepts, and I know one, or even a vocal few, do not represent the majority, but I cannot understand how they can live in such denial of the obvious and indisputable facts. It mystifies me.
I, on the other hand, can live in denial as long as I want since I have little else left after residing in George W. Bush's fantasy land these past 8 years. The economy we were told we had didn't actually exist and now that THAT has caught up with us me and my much vaunted education are back on the unemployment rolls. So when the Republican machine manages to effectively put me involuntarily and effectively on welfare I have no choice but to point out their very public delusions.
I'm not doing this because I'm lazy, I'm doing it because there is NO job out there for me to get, unless I want to become yet another statistic of the alteration in the caste system here in the U.S. and get a job at McDonald's slinging burgers.
There's the rant for Monday, I've got to get out there cause it looks like it might try to rain a little today and I want to play outside for a while before it does.
Monday morsel:

and so it goes