ABC put two guys in a sports bar and hired an actor to play a raging homophobe and go off on them when they made PDA. Most of the guys in the bar came to their defense, but then they chose relatively safe New Jersey. I'd have liked to see them try it in oh, say, Arkansas, or Indiana, or hell, even here in the land of OZ. I doubt they'd have had such a lukewarm reaction then.
But what surprised me was the debate of the commenters on towleroad. So far today there have been two debates about things that happened in the past and I find it interesting the views that younger gay men and women hold on the past. I don't know anything of their knowledge on the subject so I can't speak to how informed they are, but it was notable that the past seems to hold little of value when it comes to experience.
Shit! I'm old. I Just knew that would happen!
Yes indeed times have changed, but I have to wonder if the testers aren't skewing the results for ratings.
Let's see some real world events and THEN we'll see what experience teaches.
Researching Macbeth for my Thursday class. I'm trying NOT to go over their heads, but there is just some stuff I feel I have to say. I've got all of April to work on it with them, so, though I hope they have a good time, I guarantee I will.
Here's a little morsel for your viewing pleasure.

I'm thinking of starting another blog just for this purpose. I can warn off those who're squeamish and then misbehave a little. Sounds like fun to me. Let's see if I have time.