I stole this from you but I never knew there was a longer version than what I heard on Weeds.
Am I allowed to say the name of that series? Or will get a cease and desist order? Oh wait that's only if you do this:

Cheney said he opposes the decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to ask a former prosecutor to review CIA interrogations of high-profile terrorism suspects.
Cheney made clear he believes President Obama directed Holder to launch the review because the president is feeling pressure from left-wing Democrats. Cheney said the review will undermine the willingness of CIA personnel to conduct necessary operations.
"I think it's a terrible decision," Cheney said on "Fox News Sunday." "It's clearly a political move. There's no other rationale for why they're doing this."
He criticized Obama for allowing a review considering the president previously said that CIA operatives involved in the interrogations would not be prosecuted. "I think he's trying to duck responsibility for what's going on here, and I think it's wrong," Cheney said."
Who's trying to duck responsibility for what's going on here? That man cannot shut up! I so hope he winds up hanging himself as well as Charlie McCarthy, that puppet, whose ass he had his hand jammed in for 8 years.
Well, C'est la vie, I shan't ever see either of them at the business end of any justice so I can emit all the bile I want, it's for naught.
It's Monday and I have no feelings about the new week at all. It's starting, that's about all I can say. I have plenty to do, there's a lumber order to place, and copies to make for class tonight, and oh yes, payday comes so I get to pay bills, joy.
I made a bit of a stupid move Friday night. Well, two actually.
I had one martini too many and wound up in the arms of my ex, which was pretty stupid. No excuses, I'd love to take the chickenshit way out and say it was the booze, but I did it, and I'll have to figure my way out of it. There'll be a price, with him there always is.
I'm actually more embarrassed about what I did after though...I drove.
With all my preachifying about being responsible and being smart, I got in a car after 3 martini's and drove.
I remember the trip, and I remember making all the right decisions to get home safely. But then I decided that I needed something sweet and the closest and quickest way to get it was to get a frosty from the Wendy's a block from my apt.
Upon leaving there I pulled up to the stop light and as I sat there I realized that the guy across the street was IN MY LANE! The double yellow was clearly on the right side of his car! This incensed my stupid ass I guess, cause I drove across the street fussing at him all the way.
Ten minutes later, as I sat in my living room eating the frosty, I realized that he never moved out of my way cause our light was still red. How fucking stupid am I?
Few things can be said never about. I'm doing a sobriety check from now on and if it's not workable I'm staying where I am. I'm having a hard time giving myself a break on that one. I've always said "The Gods protect alcoholics and idiots." I cashed in big-time since I was both at once.
I'm thinking it's these gray skies we've had for three days that are keeping me from having any interest in the new work week. I hope that's it cause they portend to be clearing out later today which hopefully will lighten my mood. Gloomy Gus is getting on MY nerves.
Have a good week, let's see if we can spread a little cheer shall we? A tall order in my case this morning. While searching for pics this morning this one came up about 5 times and my apathy says use it.
And so it goes: