So I'm compelled today to talk about the Equality March.
I'm confused by the naysayers. Though I wasn't in 100% support of the march, because I don't feel there was any leverage to be utilized at this time, I still felt that it needed to happen to not only solidify queers throughout the nation, but to demonstrate to the country our resolve.
Still, the complete lack of support the marchers enjoyed from the HRC, and Barney Frank was surprising.
It was a bitch fight done in costume. It was this sharks and the jets, one in tuxes, the other in jeans.
I wish it had actually accomplished something legislatively though.
I'm thinking legislation may not be the way to go.
I'm thinking revolution may be the more compelling choice here.
We've been marching on Washington since I can remember.
This has accomplished exactly what? Hmmm, Let's see:
Some 30 states with amendments banning gay marriage in their constitution.
George W. Bush
prop 8
Seriously, when are we going to wake up and make that necessary and compelling choice?
When? When are we just gonna get down in the dirt with them and have it out once and for all. Let's get this shit over with so we can move on to issues that are real. This one exists only because someone is allowed to be the bully here. WE ALREADY HAVE THESE RIGHTS WE'RE ASKING FOR, THEY'RE GUARANTEED US BY THE U.S.CONSTITUTION!!!!
And let's stop fighting amongst ourselves.
Is our education system so badly flawed that we don't even understand the meaning of the simple motto, "United we stand, divided we fall" Anymore? Let's stop being stupid and get smart for a change.
Cause the way I see it, the haters are certainly smart enough to understand that divide and conquer works very well.
Make the compelling choice!
Vive la revolution!
And so it goes: