I recently had to apologize to Oldflame and subsequently reversed my position when I re-read the post in question and realized I hadn't done anything wrong. He's notably absent at this point. Not that he hasn't pulled this before. What I call his "hikes" are notorious. He's taken many over the years and I suspect he'll take many more. But enough with the hikes, someone needs to get over themselves and it ain't me. So there.
I did however get an email from my friend M in New Mexico who, along with her wonderful husband has been unfailingly supportive for...Lord, can it be almost two decades? I guess it can. Little did LL know when she introduced us that we'd be the one's to survive the trials of Gypsy, we're lucky that way.
I thought her email was sent as a comment to the blog, but for some reason it didn't come through that way (blogger being weird again?) so I brought it here to share:
"Hey, Just to show that I do occasionally read your blog. Hope Mr. Crockpot gets over himself. Maybe you should apologize again, it's good practice. I was blown away the first time I read that you said you were sorry and not surprised that you took it back. You are sweet, funny, bright, loyal, hardworking, someone I'd want in my corner in an altercation, fisty (or fighty or fiesty or what ever) but NEVER apologetic. I really don't take umbrage, and I don't recall EVER being mad at you myself. But Mr. Crockpot is probably not used to seeing references to himself on the net, he's old (as we are all getting) and I think he probably got weirded out, but doesn't know how to voice his discomfort."
Other's levels of discomfort aside, I'm keeping on. The "someone I'd want in my corner in an altercation," line reminded me of a "compliment" I once received from K2. We'd been sitting in some bar in Albuquerque for...well, it was a long time I am certain of that. And someone said something snippy to K2 and he told them to watch their step (like any one of us could have even stood at that point, let alone fought) that he wasn't alone. "Cause if I'm ever in a fight I wouldn't want anyone at my back other than this faggot." I am, to this day, certain that there was a compliment in that left hand somewhere. At the time I was just too damn drunk to argue about it.
I've been offered the chance to work with another horse. I will, without hesitation, take them up on it. A friend of a friend has bought one and needs a place to board it and someone to keep it exercised. HELLO!!! So I think I may just start working this one as though it needs starting. That way I'll get to know more about groundwork and when we're friends, I'll likely have a better time of it starting saddlework.
I somehow, got my big mouth into yet ANOTHER debate over spurs! I choose to use them! They're no longer the old-fashioned cutting jabbing things they were in the 19th century, but that seems to matter little to those who hate spurs. Those fuckers are like dog owners, or cat people, (no offense to E or P) anyone who owns a cat or a dog and is sane knows what I'm talking about. I"m not hurting the horse and it's a useful tool I choose to use. I get it that you don't like them and I promise I won't use them on you...unless you ask. But shit! Get over it already.
The new place is heaven on earth. I hear NOTHING, I tell you. NOTHING!!! It's like a damn crypt and I love it. Put me in there with a smattering of my native dirt and I'd be good for weeks. I'm still working on the storage issues, but it seems they can be worked out. Shelves...marvelous invention. I got up this morning at 5:30, rode fifteen miles, did half an hour of Yoga picked up the place, went to the Post Office and headed for work.
I have skipped, through absence or negligence,(sometimes both) Hot Guy Friday for the last several weeks. I was hoping to return with a Giant Hot Guy Extravaganza! Alas, I have had no time to devote to the cause so we may have a mediocre resurrection of the day. But I'll try to make up a good one soon. Who knows I may feel motivated later and it may happen after all, we'll see.
See! Finally settled in: