Hey there...both of you.
It's hot guy Friday and I am sticking with my speedo and pornstache theme. Well, the speedo theme at any rate, I could not find one pornstache. Sad, I love them.
But today I absolutely had to return to the office and set up a few things to run over the weekend so I can waste as little time as possible when I return. I mean why shouldn't I spend an hour or two today getting things moving for Monday so i can blog and peruse the net when I get back instead of actually working. See! Now we give up vacation time so we can do less at work. I love the info age!
At any rate I thought I'd take this time to say happy Friday enjoy the guys. And those of you headed out to lock-in raves this weekend have a good time. You'll love it, you'll hate it, and when you get over it you'll be glad you went. I went to one and though I was by far the oldest person in the place I had a great time. Believe me I do not like people, and saying I had a good time at a party I could not leave until morning is a huge thing.
It's spring! I forgot to mention that yesterday! Is it possible that the long sleep is over? Might I actually venture out and see the world again? I took a scraper and a case of carpet shampoo to my car yesterday so there may be hope for me yet. Though the bad news is that my housekeeper is quitting and I have to find a new one. Ick! I hope I don't actually have to clean my own apt until then. I'm hunting for new apartments in the event that I am stuck here another year. If I could teach more hours I'd be much happier, but I'll stay until I find another job. I have to stay here until may 15 or until I post grades. After that I have to make some solid plans for the next year. My lease ends June 30 so I gotta know where I'm going before the end of the summer.
Well enjoy the speedo's and if you're anywhere close to my age you'll love the Chris Atkins pic. He's still adorable even at....well over 40 at least.
Oh! BTW I have to say that I've long adored Thomas Haden Church(of Wings), Joshua Jackson(of Dawson's Creek), and Matthew Davis (of What about Brian) and it pains me to give up adoring of all three at the same time, but last weekend I had little to do in the outback and I watched tv on Sunday evening.
Unless I hear from each of them personally with profuse apologies at the way gay men were portrayed in that Piece of Shit "Lone Star State of Mind," on ABC. They are all on my hate list forever. Man was that stupid, juvenile and insulting. And there is no way any of them needed the money that badly. No way.
This is why I seldom watch network television. Now I remember why people are so stupid. They watch that crap.
Stop it!
A list and a thought:
I'm reading:
The many lives of Tom Waits-biography
Obsession, (a Jonathan Kellerman detective thing)
The Mediterranean Prescription (to change my eating habits so I can stop buying new pants)
Ultrametabolism cookbook (ibid)
Naked Lunch
Queer (I'm going back through the William Burroughs phase, no idea why)
Retire on less than you think
Predictably Irrational
and this weekend the dvd's I'm watching are Michael Clayton, 3:10 to Yuma, Once, and Factotum.
I'm also reading The Collected Plays of Christopher Shinn. He appears to be mildly disturbed...I think I love him.
I ran across this thought today on the internet and I thought it so appropriate to my recent past that I needed to share:
Some people are like a Slinky ...
Not really good for anything, but you still can't help
but smile when you shove them down the stairs.