So here's Casey. His brother has that magic that the camera loves, but Casey is the actor in the family.

Nice ass Casey! Wouldn't you just die if your mother came in the bathroom when you were naked in the tub and started hugging you? ...freak!
I also have to include this photo I just found on It's a school of Stingrays.

Cool, NO?
I rode just short of 20 miles last night. I would have gone all the way, but there was a storm coming and I didn't want to tempt the lightning Gods any further. I love this new bike more and more, I was flying, and at the end of the first hour all I wanted was more, more, more. So I made a good choice apparently. I'm going out this weekend, maybe both days, to get in another 40 or 50 miles.
For reasons passing understanding my adoptive father has given my brother the mantel clock I was to get in his will. So my brother wants to give me that this weekend. It's great, strange but great. My brother says all Daddy dearest wants is rid of all the stuff he's not taking with him to the new condo. I told my brother that I went through that when our Stepmother died and about three months after he moves the bitching will start about not having anything in the house because "you kids took everything I had." That old man is nothing if not predictable. I am however getting the rest of the dynamat that he never had put in his car. I bought a huge box of the stuff and did the floors and trunk of his new car so it'd be quiet and then he did me dirty and simply "can't understand" why I never came back and took his doors apart and put dynamat in them too. What an asshole. To borrow a phrase from one of my favorite movies, Nobody's Fool with Paul Newman "Fuck him eternally."
The LCD TV is developing some kind of problem and I'm not one fucking bit happy about it. I'm pretty sure the power supply is going out. I'm also pretty sure that there are none, or at least very few available. So I figure I'll spend the better part of the weekend replacing capacitors in the existing one. Which sucks, especially since I'm 60 days out of warranty. Maybe this is why God gave me a Bestbuy credit card. hmmm.
Of course if I'm trying to buy a house, running up the credit cards isn't the best idea I've ever had. I guess I need to cuss more on this blog, my cuss-o-meter numbers are dropping like fucking crazy. Let's hope that helps
Well Happy Hot Guy Friday! Have a good weekend.