The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Crises Concurrences Curiosities and Cuties

I'm feeling alliterative today.

I still need to get the hell out of here and go back to New Mexico where I want to be. I think about it everyday and dream about it every night. (Isn't that a song lyric?)

Ok, here it is.

What I want is a place I can live from now on, where I can have a horse that I can actually ride, and make pots and become a better potter and travel a little, and where there is at least the possibility that I could teach at least part time. And where I feel free. New Mexico is the only place I've ever felt that and I suspect that's the big attraction.

I've found a house. It's new, yet very affordable. Away from everything, yet not isolated. Endowed with a location I couldn't dream up if I tried. And it's very near an artistic conclave. Oh by the way, the 4 acres it sits on border a national forest FILLED with horseback riding trails all the way to Colorado and beyond.

I could do it. I could buy it while I'm still here, and even if I only used it as a vacation home for a couple of years until I got a job there I could actually make it work. It seems perfect at least on paper, or should I say cyberspace.

I already have the horse,well, essentially. I could get my stables to sell me one of the many they already own and arrive with that part settled.

I'm already furnished cause the house isn't that big, and I just bought new stuff.

I've always planned to have two residences anyway. This would meet all the needs and do it now instead of that waiting game I've been playing for five years. Meaning my life will have finally started instead of being on hold until I find that dream job.

Maybe it really is time to start having some of the things I dream of and stop living for "one day."

I'll let you know what my real estate agent says.

I'm also wondering if I'm not being party to a scam of sorts. There is a blog that I really love and that I have read for a while. But I'm starting to wonder if there was just recently one too many coincidences. I'll still read, and I still want to believe but the seeds of doubt have been planted. Now I read with a skeptical eye. I think I still love the whole bunch of them though. They're scoundrels after my own heart.

And remember tomorrow! Hot Guy Friday! Guess I better go decide who it is.


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