I just saw this as a comment on another website, and though I haven't been able to verify it,I still think it's worth publishing cause at the least it's so damn funny:
Pat's Christian Broadcasting Network website yesterday shared with readers that Halloween Candy is DEMONIC as it is PRAYED OVER BY WITCHES in the factory before it goes out - and adults giving it to children are guilty of SOUL MOLESTATION.
Not The Onion.
Actually what they printed.
Sad there are so many mental peasants in America still.-towleroad
This is where religion in America is taking us.
Ain't it great?
I'd love to hear the Catholic take on Halloween.
No, wait, scratch that.
The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live
Friday, October 30, 2009
We're missing the blizzard this week out west. THANK GOD! I am not ready for snow. Hell I'm not ready for fall and it's been beautiful. Lot's of rain, but beautiful none the less.
I'd love to say I get some time off this weekend, and I do from the jobs, but I still have to winterize the car, and meet a friend who's helping me figure out what the hell I've done ti blow up my website. Moonrisepottery.com is a pain in the ass and I've only myself to blame. By insisting I write the damn code myself instead of using a template I've done something that will not allow the site to display at all. I get the template I chose when I bought the site, but what I've written? nada. Vanity thy name is site-owner-who-refuses-to-acknowledge-his-limitations.
I'll figure it out, and learn something in the process.
Bought a couple of baubles the other day off ebay. Actually I bought them last week, and one of them only got shipped yesterday after I asked about it. We'll see about feedback for that poor soul. I hate to leave negative feedback cause ebay is so hard on sellers who get it, but damn, a week before you ship? and I have to ask before you do?
Today is a short day, I'll have some time to relax before I go out for martini's and dinner with friends. Tomorrow in addition to the car and website I'm carving a couple of pumpkins and setting up a little dry ice show on the deck. I'll be entertained anyway.
Sunday is grading mid-terms and recording grades and attendance for october.
I found out yesterday that all those bills I paid off this month have paid off. Every single one of them doubled my credit limit. Now, this is info they should have kept to themselves, admittedly, but it's nice to know that the opposite,which I expected, is not true. Those who haven't been paid will have to suffer until I work full time. I doubt their doors will close.
Exciting news from a fellow blogger. Justin over at guyfromchicago, has decided to try his hand at writing. He's already got a pretty good voice, so I'm looking forward to whatever he let's us see online. He seems like a pretty good guy so I hope he makes a go of it.
Today we only have one person in our HGF celebration, and he's a mystery guest. I'd have never figured out who he is. Especially since he shaved his abdomen so he had a trail. I suppose we'll never understand what he could have been thinking when eh did that? Any guesses who this is?
And so it goes:

I'd love to say I get some time off this weekend, and I do from the jobs, but I still have to winterize the car, and meet a friend who's helping me figure out what the hell I've done ti blow up my website. Moonrisepottery.com is a pain in the ass and I've only myself to blame. By insisting I write the damn code myself instead of using a template I've done something that will not allow the site to display at all. I get the template I chose when I bought the site, but what I've written? nada. Vanity thy name is site-owner-who-refuses-to-acknowledge-his-limitations.
I'll figure it out, and learn something in the process.
Bought a couple of baubles the other day off ebay. Actually I bought them last week, and one of them only got shipped yesterday after I asked about it. We'll see about feedback for that poor soul. I hate to leave negative feedback cause ebay is so hard on sellers who get it, but damn, a week before you ship? and I have to ask before you do?
Today is a short day, I'll have some time to relax before I go out for martini's and dinner with friends. Tomorrow in addition to the car and website I'm carving a couple of pumpkins and setting up a little dry ice show on the deck. I'll be entertained anyway.
Sunday is grading mid-terms and recording grades and attendance for october.
I found out yesterday that all those bills I paid off this month have paid off. Every single one of them doubled my credit limit. Now, this is info they should have kept to themselves, admittedly, but it's nice to know that the opposite,which I expected, is not true. Those who haven't been paid will have to suffer until I work full time. I doubt their doors will close.
Exciting news from a fellow blogger. Justin over at guyfromchicago, has decided to try his hand at writing. He's already got a pretty good voice, so I'm looking forward to whatever he let's us see online. He seems like a pretty good guy so I hope he makes a go of it.
Today we only have one person in our HGF celebration, and he's a mystery guest. I'd have never figured out who he is. Especially since he shaved his abdomen so he had a trail. I suppose we'll never understand what he could have been thinking when eh did that? Any guesses who this is?
And so it goes:

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