Of course, if I get the job in Taos I can just get a place there and walk to work. That would be cool. Though until this very minute I hadn’t considered that Taos is at seven thousand feet which might impair my ability to walk across the room for a while until I get used to it.
Realistically though I doubt very much that I’ll even get interviewed for that job. My education alone puts me over the top of their requirements and if you add my 5 years of library experience on top of that…well, it appears I’m not what they’re looking for, but hope springs eternal. They’re looking for someone who can catalog which is something I have very limited experience with, maybe they’ll teach me.
I realized, too late of course, that I should have told them I wanted to take this Library Science certification/Associates Degree program offered completely online at the Dona Ana Community College in Las Cruces, but it seems there’s no way to alter my app now that it’s submitted. That program does me no good here, but if it’ll help convince them of my sincerity, and get me the job in Taos, I’ll do it.
But I obsess, of course.
Lapsed into a coma last night about 8pm slept until 6:30 this morning on the couch. I think I was tired.
The sun just peeked through my office window so maybe there IS a walk in my future this morning. I certainly hope so. I neeed to go outside and play. I neeed to go home and make pots all day, but I’m trying to be a good boy around here and play nice.
Freewill astrology is absolutely NO help this week. Rob says my future is wide open. Great, that narrows it right down, thanks universe.
This is good news, in that I could well get an opportunity in Taos or somewhere in New Mexico, or things could turn out well here, and it IS a good thing that the universe is wide open to me right now. Maybe I can do some of that stuff I’ve always wanted to do and never had the time.
It occurs to me that I’ll either need to still be here on July 10 or I’ll need to make sure I’m back that day because it’s the day the court endows me with my new/old name.
I should start writing the rant I’ll be posting bout trying to change my name on virtually every document related to my life. Starting with my birth certificate. I can’t WAIT to explain this to Social Security. After my last interaction with them in 1976 when I was burglarized and they told me that I wasn’t me, but that my Social Security number had been issued to someone born with my name and birthdate in 1972, which was the year I GOT the damn card, and it took almost a year to get them to straighten it out. So this name change should be fun. Women do it all the time, but wait til a guy shows up with the request. You’ve seen those Visa Check Card commercials when the old guy whips out his checkbook and the world stops spinning. Like that.
Oh well I think I'll just stare at a cowboy a while:

That horse needs sunblock.
I'd shade the cowboy so he needs nothing. In fact he's already wearing too much. He could keep the hat on.
I have to wonder if I said "of course", enough in this post.
Wait, I have to go watch Paul propose to James in the sidebar...again. I swear I watch that thing every day and I grin like the Cheshire cat every single time.