BUT NOW it's the headquarters of censorship, and the colleges are leading the way. Isn't it comforting to know that Texans make sure their children are indoctrinated into their simple-minded ways of thinking.
From Towleroad.com-
Tarleton State University in Texas has canceled a student-run production of the Terrence McNally play "Corpus Christi." The play, in which Jesus Christ and his disciples are depicted as gay, was initially chosen by a student for an assignment in a directing class and yanked form the schedule last last night. From the school's Website:
"The four student-directed plays, including “Corpus Christi,” scheduled to be performed at Tarleton State University on Saturday, March 27, 2010, have been canceled this evening by the professor. The professor cited safety and security concerns for the students as well as the need to maintain an orderly academic environment as reasons for canceling the plays. The performance of these four class plays will not be rescheduled."
John Otte, the play's student director, defended his choice: "Never did I choose this play to attack Christians. I am one. This play deals with that subject matter, I believe, in a tasteful way. ... I don't believe in a God who hates me for who I am."
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has also weighed in saying "Every citizen is entitled to the freedom of speech, but no one should have the right to use government funds or institutions to portray acts that are morally reprehensible to the vast majority of Americans."
Last night, the local ABC affiliate ran a segment on the story and asked Tarleton students their opinions about the play. One claims that "Homosexuality is the one unforgivable sin in our society. That's something that you can't get away from. And that's what he's doing, he's trying to present that to the Christian community.
As if Texas knows what THAT is.
I say force these simple-minded, hypocritical assholes into secession. AND good riddance.
On a personal note, I was asked by a friend what area I wanted to teach in after I finished grad school. I said, "Well I'm ok as long as it's west of the Mississippi, and not Texas. Still true!