Something's coming.
It might be good, which is of course, my hope.
I don't get that impending doom feeling so I think good is at the heart of it, but it remains to be seen.
This week has been so quiet and calm it's almost unbelievable.
The biggest excitement yesterday was causing my students to lose bets with each other on whether I'd remember to ask them about Everyman. I can't imagine why they'd think I'd forget.
But the week has been pleasantly quiet. The buying things at the University dilemma has been resolved. Quite by accident I called this place to inquire about opening an account, and the guy said, "But...the University already has an account with us."
I fell to my knees in supplicant joy.
There were several risky conversations in class last night about controversial subjects. I talked about a lack of respect for the Presidency, and totally disliking George W Bush, I talked about my mention yesterday of idiots who kept their kids home rather than hear a speech from Obama only taught their kids to fear the big black boogey man in the oval office, (that was risky) and I said something to the effect that Gods are universally created for religious purposes.
I expect if I don't cool it I'll hear from the dean. I just got carried away last night.
But for today I'm spending a few minutes cleaning up a couple of messes left me by my new addition to the family.
Meet Steve:

I haven't had a chance to get him a kennel which we're going to need. So I put him in the bathroom when I left last night to go teach.
Today I'll drop the poster that he somehow knocked off the wall at the framer's for new glass and pick up a kick plate to cover the chew marks on the bathroom door. I was not happy when I came home.
Oh well.
I got my Cobra info from the library yesterday. A full week after my health insurance expired, and it's only $70 a month more than my car payment. Guess who's without health insurance?
I'll look into getting it on my own.
The rest of the week is minimal, I have a couple of appointments and this afternoon the adjuster is supposed to come look at my windshield to determine who gets to replace it. So I'm planning to take it easy today. Yeah!
I've got a couple of pots to make today anyway. Steve needs new bowls.
I've recently fallen back in love with Peter Facinelli. His career has had quite a few prurient bright spots in my estimation. Supernova being the first time I really took notice of him, and then more recently Nurse Jackie. I know he's in the Twilight pictures in some capacity, but I simply can't make myself watch that vampire crap. Too many nights at the drive-in with Buddy I guess.
Oh! And that schmuck who heckled the President last night? Well he was from every crackers favorite state of course, South Carolina! You can read the summation of crackers from the south here. Why don't they just secede once and for all?
And so it goes:
