I realized last night that we haven't progressed out of the dark ages when it comes to religion. People run around all afeared of the occult and witches etc, yet the mysticism that has always caused them to hold the church in awe is the exact reason they're well, "bewitched" by it.
I was watching Gods and Monsters , what an amazing movie. But during the scene when Hannah and Clayton are in the kitchen she tells Clayton, "Poor Mr. Jimmy. There is much good in him, but he will suffer the fires of hell. That is what the priests tell me. His sins of the flesh will keep him from heaven."
What kind of witch doctor, fire dancing, spell casting, shrunken head, cannibalistic bullshit is that?
Sadly, and I do mean sadly, THAT is how most people STILL believe gay men and women will end up today. Of course that heaven and hell stuff is a whole other matter entirely that I try NOT to discuss. But, seriously folks. Isn't this the 21st Century? Isn't it time to look at the man behind the curtains?
There's ritual and there's spectacle and it has a purpose. It's to distract you from the very real notion that they're making this shit up as they go along.
They're snake oil salesmen! They quote from this old book they convince you is the word of God, whoever that is, and they get you to do whatever they say by using the book to manipulate you. And many of you aren't yet smart enough to grasp this concept!
It amazes me, and yet I see people all the time taken advantage of by people who tell them lies and manipulate them for their own purposes, and the victims are always surprised. How I'll never know.
But the rains appear to be over and I NEED to ride that damn bike. The hiatus is NOT helping the waistline, and according to Dr. Cutie who did my physical as well as my BMI yesterday I could use the loss of a few pounds, 20 to be exact. SHIT!
Well, this morning my boss has planned to monopolize my time by having a little party for those of us who have had anniversaries in the past 6 months, then she's scheduled a staff meeting, then I need to go to the bank because I have to move some money from one acct to the other because I made a $1.12 mistake. Fuck. It didn't cost me anything but the one thing I don't have, time. Then I have to start on this project I've been putting off all week.
So here's you Wednesday Morsel:
