Ain't it ironical that there are those who would sit around with their rights firmly in place and remind those of us who are systematically denied our own that we must be patient?
Ain't ironical that on one hand the Obama administration is telling us that we need to wait until the right moment to get what we already have, yet they don't repeal DADT, campaign for ENDA, and waited how long(?)for the Hate Crimes bill to come to his desk?
Ain't it ironical that on top of all this irony The Obama justice department is now telling the courts they don't believe that just because a state has the right to decide who they marry that they can't then in turn demand that the federal government provide those self-same couples their federal rights? Oh, they can provide anything they want out of their own coffers, but federally, we ain't gonna give 'em a nickel.
Ain't it ironical that a complete and total lack of information doesn't stop the completely uninformed among us from babbling on about what they think others need to do?
Ain't it ironicalthat Jon Stewart, who started out as pretty much a tool in my book when he was on MTV, has become my hero. I found this quote from Jon on View on Superior, a blog I read daily
-”Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality. And the protections that we have for religion — we protect religion. And talk about a lifestyle choice — that is absolutely a choice… It’s a travesty that people have forced someone who is gay to have to make their case that they deserve the same basic rights as someone else…”
-Jon Stewart
Ain't it ironical that the religious, who are becoming increasingly vocal about what their God "says we should do" don't ever seem to get the full facts, they assign their own morality, rather the morality their preachers and ministers tell them to have, to whatever situation they think they understand. Sadly they think Pat Robertson, Bill O'Reilly, and Anderson Cooper are THE source of news they can rely on. They haven't even paid enough attention to know that there is no source of NEWS anymore that isn't influenced by the corporation that owns the network they're watching. It's pathetic.
Ain't it ironical that last night I had to tell my students, yet again, that I am not the least bit interested in their morality. That we are not in that classroom to assign their version of events to what happens in this world, that we are there to objectively look at the part of the work we have been studying in this class and if they don't know what that is, what have they been doing this past 12 weeks?
Ain't it ironical that this world is increasingly influenced by religion, and it is not being told that they should follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, it is being told to hate, to exclude, to segregate, to ignore the truth and only use the facts to support it's unsupportable position. It is being told to ignore knowledge, even to turn it's back on knowledge.
Ain't it ironical that there's going to have to be another Crusade? This time though, it's not the religious who're going to set out to impose their ignorance on the rest of the world, it's those who actually understand that blind trust in being a lemming to some religion is NOT the answer. We've managed to eradicate education, I'm sure we can, if we set our minds to it, eradicate religion.
Ain't it ironical that yesterday I informed them that the next play they'd be seeing involved kidnapping, rape and torture and if hey had a problem with it they needed to tell me BEFORHAND so we can avoid people not doing the assignment they're given.
To my complete lack of surprise not one of them had a problem with kidnapping, rape, and torture. Ignorance abounds.
Ain't it ironical that I've wasted so much time on them today?
On another note, has anyone noticed that the United states Postal Service is crying the blues over a lack of business these days?
On the 23rd of October I bought something on Ebay.
On the 28th I asked the seller where the hell it was, since they're located about three hours from me. They told me they'd ship the next day.
Since the 29th the USPS website has said this:
"Class: Package Services
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™/Insured > $X00
Status: Electronic Shipping Info Received
The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on October 29, 2009 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later."
Ain't it ironical that the organization responsible for delivering my package has no idea where it actually is? This complete lack of utilization of easily accessed electronic info tells me nothing of where my package is! It wouldn't take the USPS 5 minutes to make this info available to me. Yet they seem bent on their own undoing by ignoring the wishes of their customers. I hate privatization, but I'm beginning to think that the arrogance of the USPS might be well served by them getting replaced by a private organization.
And so it goes:
