Weary of non-stop increases in gas prices.
Weary of inconsiderate assholes who blame me for their complete and total lack of social skills.
Weary of people shoving their own morals or fears, or whatever the fuck it is that motivates people to hate me because of who I love.(which btw is none of their fucking business) Who would prevent me from living a happy and full life with the person I choose because they want to own marriage exclusively.
Weary of looking for a teaching job I am certain I will never find.
Weary of keeping my life on hold while I wait for that job.
Weary of being in this town.
Weary of thinking things will be different...this time.
Weary of waiting for this miserably long and tedious Presidential election to be finally and mercifully, fucking, over.
Weary of social networking sites whose existence I simply do not understand.
Weary of logging on to MSNBC and finding out that Charlie Sheen and his ex-wife (at least he can have one)are still fighting in public and we're STILL being told about it!
Sounds like someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed this morning huh?
Now THIS I could never be weary of-

This neither-

I can only hope his t-shirt is correct.
I'm cheered already.
OH! And read this. I'd love to be the actor who said those lines. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to.