(photo courtesy of Towleroad.com)
How fucking cool is this? Gay Cubanos planting a rainbow flag Iwo Gima Style! Felicitations de los Hermanos Cubano on their newfound freedoms. I hope it goes on forever and gets better and better. Let's just hope they keep the Catholics out of there or all this will be over. I'm thinking that a place with no Catholics and free gay people would be a place for me if I could get there. Way past time to lift the travel restrictions to Cuba. Let's see if we can believe in some change of that sort.
Friday I had a great morning. The weather was perfect, traffic was light, people behaved on the way to work, I was getting the added bonus of torturing my upstairs neighbor prior to moving this week, and then I arrived at work to find that everyone would be gone by Noon. I, of course, would be gone by 1. Nice!
Sunday I got up early to ride, Again the weather was perfect, on the way out to the trail there was a rainbow as I drove through a little rainstorm, then the sun shone through the clouds in this really prefect way which was very cool. While I was riding something caught my eye and I looked up to see a hang-glider above Mill Valley. Then I stopped to take a look at the Kansas River, since It's been up quite a bit recently and it's moving pretty fast. Just as I arrived at the lookout, a paddling of ducks passed headed downriver.
There were a few moving complications Friday. I called UHaul to cancel the truck since I've hired movers, they put me on old for over 15 minutes and never did answer, so I have to call them back today, Directv informed me that they were going to attempt to screw me over the move, soon. (read Saturdays post) The apartment complex informed me they fired the woman who rented me the apt, so I went over there to be sure that we were on the same page as far as my move was concerned, do not want surprises this weekend. (ever, for that matter, but especially this weekend) While I was dealing with the apartment complex on the phone, I attempted to change my address on the USPS website. For reasons passing understanding, they require that you provide them with a credit or bank card number for verification purposes. In true Post Office fashion, they informed me that according to their records I do not actually live at my old address so they weren't able to post my address change. They were however able to charge my bankcard two dollars, once for each attempt I made to submit the change. I politely requested that since I do not live there could they stop delivering those pesky bills to my old address, they didn't understand that one. I decided that Friday wasn't the day for moving stuff. I'll try again today. I did however get a quite a few boxes to the garage, and most things are packed. I still have about 20 trips to the garage with what's left.
I will be so glad when I get moved. And I am really thinking that I need to find an income stream that will allow me to telecommute. Cause I think the Americas and some of the Carribean needs me to see it. And possibly be there for extended periods. Sounds like a good idea to me. At least for a few years. I've been sitting still for far too long. Time to get some solid plans to move around.
Shit Piss Fuck Cunt Cocksucker Motherfucker and Tits! Take care George, we'll miss your voice of sanity in this world without reason.