Then I realized how beautiful the sky was as the sunset and I took a picture of that as well:

They're not as clear as they could be and I don't have photoshop here to fix them, but you get the general idea. It was a gorgeous night in the midwest sky.
I was somewhat less enchanted though when I got home later and found out I'd received THIS in the mail:

And this morning, feeling better than I did yesterday, I was able to get all enraged and righteous about Crystal Dixon. She's the former Human Resources Vice President at the University of Toledo who is filing suit over her termination regarding her editorial in the local paper expressing her opinion that we mo's should not be marryin'
I really truly try not to comment on stories I see on the internet, it often invites conversation with people whose meds are in need of adjustment. But this time I just couldn't help myself, someone called her an academician and I just went off my purty little head.
To which I replied:
Let's understand that Ms. Dixon IS NOT an academician. She is in a classified support position, and though, yes, her status as Vice President of Human Resources would indicate that she has had some exposure and interest in ideas that challenge her own. A natural curiosity in exploring those opinions is apparently lacking in her evangelical dogmatic approach to her "understanding" of the homosexual "lifestyle."
I truly feel sorry for people who are so narrow minded as to hold such foolish opinions. But to give them voice, well, that's just demonstrable ignorance I have no tolerance for.
Yes, a true academician would have supported their position with facts and examples of studies etc. But a true academician would not be sitting behind a desk in admin all day. They'd be standing in front of a class challenging their students to think for themselves, to explore the world, to state their opinions forcefully and with documented facts.
Ms. Dixon is just an employee,who is simply repeating what she's been told over and over again. Let's not assign her more importance than she deserves. It just gives credence to her bigotry.
I just know I'm gonna get mail.