And what better way to celebrate than with Brendan. (and never you mind that woman in the first picture. They're getting a divorce.)
I feel pretty good and I might just break down and stay at work all day. It's a full weekend anyway I may as well start now.
School was entertaining last night. I realized as I walked into the classroom that I'd forgotten the dvd they had to see. So I lectured for an hour, and then passed out their quiz and told them to take a break after they finished that I'd be back and proceeded to race home to get it.
The severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings made for an interesting ride and I returned to find an empty classroom and everyone in the basement. I don't get too excited about that stuff, so I wandered around and watched the skies for a while from the cozy confines of the classroom. They sounded the all clear, and we finished the dvd. To quote Victor/Victoria "Such a fuss."
I learned the other day that we lost Cooper's Corridor and this morning I found out why. Mean people.
Somehow a Joemygod reader made a comment about gay dad's that Cooper didn't like and after discovering that his blog had been hit hundreds of times and that some of the comments were unpleasant, he deleted the blog. I re-read those comments this morning and though I didn't find much that was very offensive, I'm not the single guy raising two kids in Nova Scotia, or Vancouver, sorry Cooper I forget. So his decision to delete his blog, though unfortunate for us was probably the best for him.
I understand that desire to raise children, it's family and it's a legacy and it truly is the most important thing you can leave behind. I'd do it, of course at my age I'd be one who'd go in for those in their early to mid-teen years. I'm too old to start from scratch now.
You'll be missed in the blogosphere Cooper, sorry about the mean people.
I, on the other hand, don't have any readers so I can say whatever I want without fear of reprisals. It's liberating.
Besides, I don't have any kids and I'm boring. I always knew that'd give me an edge.
I'm still torn about this new bike. I am almost feverish to find a bike store that sells something other than Trek. I suppose they're ok, but they're not all there is. What about Bianchi, Lemond, (I know) Specialized etc? All I can find here are Trek stores. or Raleigh stores. WTF? So though the new bike is semi-sweet, I'm looking for all the way sweet, especially for what they cost. Maybe I'll have time this weekend to shop some more. I rode a Lemond last week that was F-I-N-E! I rode a Trek yesterday that was ok.
I want a bike that's comfortable enough to ride 50-60 miles, yet one that'll go like a bat outta hell too. I had one once, I know it's possible. I'm not beyond my need to go fast yet.
Well Happy Hot Guy Friday! Have a good one.