What the hell is up with this week? It's GOT to stop soon. I'm ready to just sit down and wait for the locusts.
Monday I get this email from my stage manager telling me that it was discussed at the last rehearsal that they might want to hire some guy to build the set.
Do they not understand how this works?
Yes, I know I was just last month throwing a fit cause I don't want to wield 4x8 sheets of plywood anymore, but that's not the issue here, not to me anyway.
It'd be nice to at least let me get the lumber order in before deciding that I can't do it. Needless to say this pissed me off.
I shot off a little missive asking for an explanation, to which I got no response. I guess "I will build the set." put them off. Chickens.
So Monday morning was spent with the dean trying to get a budget out of him and the knowledge of how to dispose of said budget. I have neither to this day. They simply seem clueless as to how to ascertain this info. And since gin isn't allowed on campus I went home. Still no lumber, no set, no budget. Show opens 10/2. Set is getting simpler and simpler.
I also rode the bike. went to pottery class and taught Monday evening. THAT at least was fun, we played in the theatre cause it was empty. I rarely have the chance to get my students in there cause it's always in rehearsal so when I saw it was empty I dragged them across the hall.
The phone crapped out Monday. It was only the battery but as per AT&T regs they were almost completely useless when it came to helping me figure it out and fix it.
Tuesday, well here it got interesting. The computer was acting weird when I got up and I wondered what the hell... but without sufficient time to do any investigating I went on to ride the bike and get ready to work etc.
On my way back from my ride the stereo in the car suddenly goes silent. Well this was disorienting, but I simply forgot I changed the bluetooth settings to do this, usually it mutes but doesn't turn off the stereo. My next mistake was to answer the phone.
One of my many bosses, this one happens to be 23, devastatingly cute, but 23 nonetheless,grrrr.
"You know you're supposed to be here at 11?" (Doc looks at clock it's 11:09)
"Is that a rhetorical question?"
"I thought it was 2. I'm about ten minutes from home, I'll be there in about an hour."
"k, seeya."
That would be the sound of the rock that flew out of the dump truck in front of me taking out my windshield. I tried to get a plate number a truck number anything that would tell me how to identify the truck and all I could get close enough to ascertain was the company name and that the decal on the drivers door was trying to come off.
I went home and while trying to shower, shave and eat called the company. I won't bore you with more detail but suffice it to say the conversation was frustrating. I truly didn't figure they'd try to turn it into their insurance and that I'd just have to buy a new windshield this month. A laughable thing if you knew anything about my finances right now.
I told one of the customers to ring up his own damn groceries. That should tell you how the rest of the day went.
Wednesday the computer went insane.
Warning boxes came flashing on the screen that there were too many smtp's I found over 30 svchost.exe's running when there should have been like 7. I couldn't access the internet without waiting forever. Every time I tried to investigate things got worse.
I now know it's called malware, and this was a particularly vicious form of it. It kept trying to hijack my computer, it overloaded the internet connection, finally the computer refused to boot up at all. It was a safe mode kinda day. Sadly I wasn't smart enough to realize that was the metaphor for my entire life this week.
Now, since the school year has begun and I have to work four fucking jobs to make ends see each other.(they do not meet, but can wave to each other on occasion) I have little time to devote to the cause of what the fuck is this now, with the computer. Things must simply work.
I know, I'm delusional.
I dl'd several "fixes." I went to microsoft's website and begged for help. I even got on a couple sites I know of where everything isn't exactly on the up and up. No one could help.
Every time I tried something this damn Trojan prevented me from getting at it's files. As it got more and more control I wasn't even able to access the internet and my little pictures of the two computers in the taskbar were both constantly lit up.
Again more details that would be boring but I finally unhooked the damn modem, and started the format of the hard drive.
I also had to appear at the company who is trying to get out of buying me a new windshield so they could take a picture of it, I had meetings at the university all morning, I had to be at pottery class and then teach in the evening. I also had to scan and email several students their monologues so they could work on them over the holiday, I also had to juggle money since there are more paycheck issues.
Then the Ipod quit in the car. It was only the cable but I still thought I was going to cry.
So as I said I'm waiting patiently for the locusts and it appears they may have arrived in the form of two honeybees that have made their way somehow into my apartment and are flitting around my head as I write, blissfully unaware that they are about to die.
So that explains my absence this week.
I have high hopes for the next two days and then three off. Yeah!
I was just looking at the gin supply, it needs replenishing if I am to make it through Friday night.
So in the spirit of making it through this highly strange week I say to whatever adversity may rear it's ugly head this next 48 hours before I can cut loose and relax, "Put 'em up! put 'em up!"
And so it goes:
