Fred Barnes says global warming is a myth because it was cold this winter
John Aravosis (DC) · 2/10/2009 08:38:00 AM ET · Link
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It's Sarah Palin logic. George Bush logic. The logic of the uneducated masses who the Republicans love to claim to represent and serve (when they really represent and serve corporate America). It's a pathological love affair with stupid. And the GOP needs to get over it, fast.
TPM Muckraker:
Check out this passage from Barnes' latest column for the Weekly Standard:
Democrats couldn't hide their self-consciousness about the excesses of their own bill. Supporters made few TV appearances to defend it and rarely talked about specific spending items. Obama sounded like Al Gore on global warming. The more the case for man-made warming falls apart, the more hysterical Gore gets about an imminent catastrophe. The more public support his bill loses, the more Obama embraces fear-mongering. (our itals.)
We hadn't heard anything lately about the case for man-made global warming falling apart. In fact, just the opposite. So we called Barnes and asked him what he was referring to.
At first, he cited the fact that it's been cold lately.
Perhaps sensing this was less than convincing, Barnes then asserted that there had been a "cooling spell" in recent years. "Haven't you noticed?" he asked.
Asked for firmer evidence of such cooling, Barnes demurred, telling TPMmuckraker he was too busy to track it down.
We pressed Barnes again: surely he could tell us where he had found this vital new information, which could upend the current debate over how to address global warming.
In response, Barnes said only that he knew where he had found it, but would not tell us, apparently as a matter of principle. "I'm not going to do your research for you," he eventually said, before hurriedly ending the call.
There's some confidence building logic for you. It's cold outside so there's no such thing as global warming. Another Republican I'd love to vote for.
Yeah! Well, I got $16.00 in my checking acct so I guess that means I'm solvent huh? No matter that I wrote a check for $32.00 on Sunday, I guess I don't need to transfer any money into that acct, I'm solvent. Duh, what was I thinking?
I suddenly realized while reading this that their insistence on gutting the education portion of the stimulus bill isn't because they need to keep the populace stupid so they can't figure out they're being screwed, it's to keep them stupid so they don't figure out what idiots they've elected and boot them from office on principle.
Good class last night. They're really warming up to working on these monologues and they mostly take the advice to heart. It's so different than the last two semesters I can't believe it. These people seem to want to learn something.
It's interesting when things at work are going along fine isn't it? Cause invariably some dickhead comes along and gets involved in something that's none of their fucking business and it gets all fucked up.
That's the case here today. I have this really simple process that takes like ten minutes of my day wherein people bring books to y office and I do a few things in the computer and send them on their way. Sounds simple doesn't it? Put books on a cart and take them to my office. What could be easier? Well, someone who likes to manufacture crises has inserted themselves into a process that had been going swimmingly, and now it's a gripey mess. I found a box of books for me out in the hall yesterday afternoon and went insane. Of course, this person's old boss has transferred to another job which precipitated this mess, and then I found out this morning that her other supervisor is having her gall bladder out this morning so i doubt this stupidity will get resolved anytime soon. God I love people.
Of course I'm unfortunately reliant on the most passive guy in the place to handle the problem since he's the guy I answer to on this particular issue, so the gorgon that's causing the problem will likely just run right over him and do what she wants.
I feel an illness coming on.
Besides it's going to be 70 degrees today. How cool is that in February?
There's an ad on yahoo today for flowers for Saturday. The caption says the flowers are "fresh from the fields" I say right after that there should be a parenthetical reference that says (where you'll all be working soon)
Here's a guy I love. He may be immature, and he may be tall, which I seldom like. But he sure has a nice voice and he's not hard on the eyes either.