I've been trimming pots all morning, and I completely forgot to post.
That's the trouble with having mornings off, one gets out of the routine.
The world is still spinning, though there are new fears that homosexuality is on it's way to being re-criminalized. I kinda doubt that will happen,yet it is a scary thought.
I'm currently more concerned with getting a full time job, bu hey we all ahve our priorities.
I've noticed these past few days that I'm a LOT more in tune with the men around me that I have been in a longtime. No idea why bu I do like it. For instance I met a guy named Edgar yesterday. Edgar was exactly the kind of guy I follow around like a puppy dog. Little, Dark, smiley, and talkative. Not to mention hot. We were fast friends in my book, he likely doesn't remember meeting me. The other was a ridiculously young man who was walking in the grocery store parking lot. I was mesmerized by his good looks and he acknowledged my appreciation very kindly. One of those fun moments when you both know nothing will come of it. Kinda fun to flirt for the first time in a long time.
Well off to throw myself on the mercy of the local library. Everything I have out is late. Such a surprise.
And so it goes:
