My dept chair at the college called yesterday to ask that since he's away on an emergency would I cover ALL his classes this week.
Guess what I said!
I'm such an idiot.
I'm freaking out!
I have no idea where he was with them, what to do with them when I get tehre, nor how to prepare. I guess I'll be winging it.
Oh! And one of them is scheduled at the same time as my faculty meeting at the University. lol
Actually I'm not freaking out that bad. I ran for the bookshelves the minute I found out about all this wildly gesticulating over the shelves and thinking I'd better learn something new to teach them before tomorrow.
Then I realized some things:
1.) It's the second week of classes, they know very little, surelY I can make it through two class periods with what I carry in my head. That may sound egotistical, but seriously, what does an 18 y/0 fresh outta high school know about theatre that I do not? Hmmm?
and, perhaps more importantly,
2.) I can't change the course of their history and be profoundly moving as a teacher in two 50 minute class periods that i am unprepared for. Winging it is totally the way to go.
Thank God that freak out is over.
Too damn much adrenalin for Monday morning.
So in a few minutes I get to call the dean and tell her I can only cover 4 of the 8 class periods he has scheduled this week. We'll see if that 's good enough I may get off the hook altogether if she's an all or nothing kind of gal.
In other news it's completely beautiful here right now, its been quite a weird summer weather wise, but VERY nice. I got all kinds of stuff done yesterday, and played outside too.
I noticed that travel deals are waning this weekend too. I checked into a few days in PR for the holidays, and though it's not prohibitive, it's still pretty costly. We'll see. I'm awful cheap to be spending that kind of money.
Oh! Friday Martini night was weird too. I arrived to find the usual suspects huddled over the gin, and then two new faces arrived. They seemed pleasant enough, yet odd.
Odd in that in the first ten minutes they were in the door they were discussing fisting.
Now, this may be something people actually do discuss, but in polite company I've always found it declasse, call me a prude if you will.
They turned out to be such dullards that we all migrated indoors without them leaving our friend J alone with them. After about ten minutes I looked up to see J staring daggers through the window at me.
Getting the impression that there would be hell to pay if we didn't re-join them post-haste I ushered the others back outside. The boys took off for the neighbors but K and I gamely hung in there the rest of the evening. It was pretty much torture.
I've no idea who they were/are, but I hope that is not repeated very often.
Off the diet for the weekend as instructed, some ground was lost. Back to it today.
And so it goes:
