It's spring!
Last night there were thunder storms! I laid in bed and listened to the thunder and the hail as it rained...really hard! It was so nice to hear something besides sleet hitting the windows.
Today it's going to be cloudy but about 74 degrees! I will be riding at lunch. I hope to get in a good ten miles. I didn't get to ride this weekend since I had to work saturday.
And! The Scientologists are apparently at it again. One of their own has defected, I guess you'd say, and they're out to stop any of his info from reaching the public.

Jason Beghe, an actor, was a member and recently had a car accident in which he was seriously injured. This was deemed as odd since his particular position in the church apparently guarantees that he's immortal. (I cannot believe people fall for this shit.) SO the churches position is that his immortality was being supressed because he has a gay friend. Therefore he was not yet immortal.
Is it me or does this sound particularly crazy?
Oh and the rumor is that the video interview of Beghe talking about all this was taken down because Scientologists were successful at getting the account that sponsored it cancelled. I have to wonder if they work for George W. Bush.

This image has no special significance, except it's particularly gay and I'm relatively certain it'll bug the shit out of the Scientologists. So of course it's getting posted here.
After yesterday's post, and now this one, do you get the feeling I'm not a big fan of organized religion?
P.S. If anyone has the video of Beghe being interviewed and wants to post it here let me know. I'd love to see them try to cancel me. fuckers..bring it.