Hiking in the Organs

And now from the deepest darkest regions of the southwest by special request it's a Kitchen Blog!
(It should be noted at this point that I am full of Cabernet, so I now disavow any responsibility for the contents of this post)
Here from the kitchen of my friends C and M while the kids are cooking Tempura, and the rest of us are watching baseball we're all here to say hello.
Interviews, horses, senior hikes with dogs and teenagers(sorry Dalton), touristy stuff, and fun restaurants have all been had. M and I solved the ills of our society including gay marriage and African American Presidents. The old man is screwed, Arizona will say yes California will say no. Tomorrow it's hot springs and elevations on the beginning of the return trip. Looking at a house too, but that's just for fun.
The interview went fine, we'll see what I do if they offer. Soul searching has been done, (yawn) now back to reality.
Have a happy Halloween!