Every three hours yesterday there was a huge event.
9:30 Farrah Fawcett Dies
12:30 Michael Jackson died, and please, for once, let's be honest about Michael, he died just like Elvis, on the bathroom floor, of a heart attack. No need to sugar coat this with the coma story, nor idealize him in death more than he was in life, if that's possible. The poor guy dropped dead at 50 of a heart attack.
It may have been prescription drugs,it may have been his time, truthfully we'll never know. If we're smart, and I know we're not even if you don't. If we're smart we'll put on his best albums,(Off the wall, Thriller, and some of Bad)dance our asses off for a while, and thank the Gods we had him at all.
Then it's time to turn our attention to living and honoring the memory.
Farrah, despite getting upstaged by Michael, went out in an interesting manner didn't she? I never suspected her of being the type to videotape her own demise, interesting concept, that. I suppose once you're used to living in the public eye it doesn't bother you...me, I'd be apoplectic if someone even suggested it.
And though you'd think I was done, after all that I'm just getting started.
In true trine fashion at 3:30 I came to the realization that-
As I've raved about many times here, this is a job that must quantify you, as do all civil service jobs actually. If you do not fit into their box they have no idea what to do with you?
I've lived the Giraffe metaphor for almost 5 years, it's time for it to END!!!
But NO!!!
Yesterday, after my demise was re-scheduled, I found out that on Tuesday evening next, they plan to propose to the Board of Education to eliminate my position. If the board says ok, they'll let me know on Wednesday and I can go then. BUT I HAVE TO CONTINUE TO FUCKING REPORT TO WORK.
So to get paid through the middle of August and have July off I have to go most of next week and sit there. I'd rather have a tooth extraction, sans Novocaine.
Today I had the bright idea to take a personal day and go to the DMV and pay them their annual extortion. I arrived just as they opened to find the place packed and I sat there almost 3 hours. Though inconvenient, this was no surprise. I opted not to take my mood out for a walk just then. And I was rewarded handsomely, and I do mean that in the literal sense of the word. My DMV rep was stunningly handsome. I simply could not take my eyes off that man. Ah well I'm sure he's used to guys drooling all over his counter.
The true representation that I need to just cancel the rest of the day (and that the universe is having a good ole time fucking with me.) was when I came home to find all my teak deck furniture in the yard and my plants resting atop the a/c unit that was blowing hot air all over them in 100 degree heat and two young Mexican men removing the front of my apartment. With hammers. No, I do not know what the fuck they're doing!
They're banging away as I type.
So it appears the Universe is telling me to go sit down somewhere and shut the fuck up.

Happy Hgf!!!